use std::{panic::catch_unwind, sync::Arc, thread}; use async_lock::OnceCell; use smol::Executor as SmolEx; static GLOBAL_EXECUTOR: OnceCell>> = OnceCell::new(); /// A pointer to an Executor pub type Executor<'a> = Arc>; /// Returns a single-threaded global executor pub(crate) fn global_executor() -> Executor<'static> { fn init_executor() -> Executor<'static> { let ex = smol::Executor::new(); thread::Builder::new() .spawn(|| loop { catch_unwind(|| { smol::block_on(global_executor().run(smol::future::pending::<()>())) }) .ok(); }) .expect("cannot spawn executor thread"); // Prevent spawning another thread by running the process driver on this // thread. see ex.spawn(async_process::driver()).detach(); Arc::new(ex) } GLOBAL_EXECUTOR.get_or_init_blocking(init_executor).clone() }