mod shared; use std::sync::Arc; use async_std::io; use async_trait::async_trait; use clap::Parser; use smol::{channel, Executor}; use karyon_p2p::{ endpoint::{Endpoint, Port}, keypair::{KeyPair, KeyPairType}, protocol::{ArcProtocol, Protocol, ProtocolEvent, ProtocolID}, ArcPeer, Backend, Config, P2pError, Version, }; use shared::run_executor; #[derive(Parser)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Cli { /// Optional list of bootstrap peers to start the seeding process. #[arg(short)] bootstrap_peers: Vec, /// Optional list of peer endpoints for manual connections. #[arg(short)] peer_endpoints: Vec, /// Optional endpoint for accepting incoming connections. #[arg(short)] listen_endpoint: Option, /// Optional TCP/UDP port for the discovery service. #[arg(short)] discovery_port: Option, /// Username #[arg(long)] username: String, } pub struct ChatProtocol { username: String, peer: ArcPeer, executor: Arc>, } impl ChatProtocol { fn new(username: &str, peer: ArcPeer, executor: Arc>) -> ArcProtocol { Arc::new(Self { peer, username: username.to_string(), executor, }) } } #[async_trait] impl Protocol for ChatProtocol { async fn start(self: Arc) -> Result<(), P2pError> { let selfc = self.clone(); let stdin = io::stdin(); let task = self.executor.spawn(async move { loop { let mut input = String::new(); stdin.read_line(&mut input).await.unwrap(); let msg = format!("> {}: {}", selfc.username, input.trim()); selfc.peer.broadcast(&Self::id(), &msg).await; } }); let listener = self.peer.register_listener::().await; loop { let event = listener.recv().await.unwrap(); match event { ProtocolEvent::Message(msg) => { let msg = String::from_utf8(msg).unwrap(); println!("{msg}"); } ProtocolEvent::Shutdown => { break; } } } task.cancel().await; listener.cancel().await; Ok(()) } fn version() -> Result { "0.1.0, 0.1.0".parse() } fn id() -> ProtocolID { "CHAT".into() } } fn main() { env_logger::init(); let cli = Cli::parse(); // Create a PeerID based on the username. let key_pair = KeyPair::generate(&KeyPairType::Ed25519); // Create the configuration for the backend. let config = Config { listen_endpoint: cli.listen_endpoint, peer_endpoints: cli.peer_endpoints, bootstrap_peers: cli.bootstrap_peers, discovery_port: cli.discovery_port.unwrap_or(0), enable_tls: true, ..Default::default() }; // Create a new Executor let ex = Arc::new(Executor::new()); // Create a new Backend let backend = Backend::new(&key_pair, config, ex.clone().into()); let (ctrlc_s, ctrlc_r) = channel::unbounded(); let handle = move || ctrlc_s.try_send(()).unwrap(); ctrlc::set_handler(handle).unwrap(); let ex_cloned = ex.clone(); run_executor( async { let username = cli.username; // Attach the ChatProtocol let c = move |peer| ChatProtocol::new(&username, peer, ex_cloned.clone().into()); backend.attach_protocol::(c).await.unwrap(); // Run the backend; // Wait for ctrlc signal ctrlc_r.recv().await.unwrap(); // Shutdown the backend backend.shutdown().await; }, ex, ); }