path: root/karyons_p2p/src
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authorhozan23 <hozan23@proton.me>2023-11-09 11:38:19 +0300
committerhozan23 <hozan23@proton.me>2023-11-09 11:38:19 +0300
commit849d827486c75b2ab223d7b0e638dbb5b74d4d1d (patch)
tree41cd3babc37147ec4a40cab8ce8ae31c91cce33b /karyons_p2p/src
parentde1354525895ffbad18f90a5246fd65157f7449e (diff)
rename crates
Diffstat (limited to 'karyons_p2p/src')
26 files changed, 0 insertions, 3702 deletions
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/backend.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/backend.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 290e3e7..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/backend.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-use std::sync::Arc;
-use log::info;
-use karyons_core::{pubsub::Subscription, Executor};
-use crate::{
- config::Config,
- discovery::{ArcDiscovery, Discovery},
- monitor::{Monitor, MonitorEvent},
- net::ConnQueue,
- peer_pool::PeerPool,
- protocol::{ArcProtocol, Protocol},
- ArcPeer, PeerID, Result,
-pub type ArcBackend = Arc<Backend>;
-/// Backend serves as the central entry point for initiating and managing
-/// the P2P network.
-/// # Example
-/// ```
-/// use std::sync::Arc;
-/// use easy_parallel::Parallel;
-/// use smol::{channel as smol_channel, future, Executor};
-/// use karyons_p2p::{Backend, Config, PeerID};
-/// let peer_id = PeerID::random();
-/// // Create the configuration for the backend.
-/// let mut config = Config::default();
-/// // Create a new Backend
-/// let backend = Backend::new(peer_id, config);
-/// // Create a new Executor
-/// let ex = Arc::new(Executor::new());
-/// let task = async {
-/// // Run the backend
-/// backend.run(ex.clone()).await.unwrap();
-/// // ....
-/// // Shutdown the backend
-/// backend.shutdown().await;
-/// };
-/// future::block_on(ex.run(task));
-/// ```
-pub struct Backend {
- /// The Configuration for the P2P network.
- config: Arc<Config>,
- /// Peer ID.
- id: PeerID,
- /// Responsible for network and system monitoring.
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
- /// Discovery instance.
- discovery: ArcDiscovery,
- /// PeerPool instance.
- peer_pool: Arc<PeerPool>,
-impl Backend {
- /// Creates a new Backend.
- pub fn new(id: PeerID, config: Config) -> ArcBackend {
- let config = Arc::new(config);
- let monitor = Arc::new(Monitor::new());
- let conn_queue = ConnQueue::new();
- let peer_pool = PeerPool::new(&id, conn_queue.clone(), config.clone(), monitor.clone());
- let discovery = Discovery::new(&id, conn_queue, config.clone(), monitor.clone());
- Arc::new(Self {
- id: id.clone(),
- monitor,
- discovery,
- config,
- peer_pool,
- })
- }
- /// Run the Backend, starting the PeerPool and Discovery instances.
- pub async fn run(self: &Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()> {
- info!("Run the backend {}", self.id);
- self.peer_pool.start(ex.clone()).await?;
- self.discovery.start(ex.clone()).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Attach a custom protocol to the network
- pub async fn attach_protocol<P: Protocol>(
- &self,
- c: impl Fn(ArcPeer) -> ArcProtocol + Send + Sync + 'static,
- ) -> Result<()> {
- self.peer_pool.attach_protocol::<P>(Box::new(c)).await
- }
- /// Returns the number of currently connected peers.
- pub async fn peers(&self) -> usize {
- self.peer_pool.peers_len().await
- }
- /// Returns the `Config`.
- pub fn config(&self) -> Arc<Config> {
- self.config.clone()
- }
- /// Returns the number of occupied inbound slots.
- pub fn inbound_slots(&self) -> usize {
- self.discovery.inbound_slots.load()
- }
- /// Returns the number of occupied outbound slots.
- pub fn outbound_slots(&self) -> usize {
- self.discovery.outbound_slots.load()
- }
- /// Subscribes to the monitor to receive network events.
- pub async fn monitor(&self) -> Subscription<MonitorEvent> {
- self.monitor.subscribe().await
- }
- /// Shuts down the Backend.
- pub async fn shutdown(&self) {
- self.discovery.shutdown().await;
- self.peer_pool.shutdown().await;
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/config.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/config.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ebecbf0..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/config.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-use karyons_net::{Endpoint, Port};
-use crate::utils::Version;
-/// the Configuration for the P2P network.
-pub struct Config {
- /// Represents the network version.
- pub version: Version,
- /////////////////
- // PeerPool
- ////////////////
- /// Timeout duration for the handshake with new peers, in seconds.
- pub handshake_timeout: u64,
- /// Interval at which the ping protocol sends ping messages to a peer to
- /// maintain connections, in seconds.
- pub ping_interval: u64,
- /// Timeout duration for receiving the pong message corresponding to the
- /// sent ping message, in seconds.
- pub ping_timeout: u64,
- /// The maximum number of retries for outbound connection establishment.
- pub max_connect_retries: usize,
- /////////////////
- ////////////////
- /// A list of bootstrap peers for the seeding process.
- pub bootstrap_peers: Vec<Endpoint>,
- /// An optional listening endpoint to accept incoming connections.
- pub listen_endpoint: Option<Endpoint>,
- /// A list of endpoints representing peers that the `Discovery` will
- /// manually connect to.
- pub peer_endpoints: Vec<Endpoint>,
- /// The number of available inbound slots for incoming connections.
- pub inbound_slots: usize,
- /// The number of available outbound slots for outgoing connections.
- pub outbound_slots: usize,
- /// TCP/UDP port for lookup and refresh processes.
- pub discovery_port: Port,
- /// Time interval, in seconds, at which the Discovery restarts the
- /// seeding process.
- pub seeding_interval: u64,
- /////////////////
- ////////////////
- /// The number of available inbound slots for incoming connections during
- /// the lookup process.
- pub lookup_inbound_slots: usize,
- /// The number of available outbound slots for outgoing connections during
- /// the lookup process.
- pub lookup_outbound_slots: usize,
- /// Timeout duration for a peer response during the lookup process, in
- /// seconds.
- pub lookup_response_timeout: u64,
- /// Maximum allowable time for a live connection with a peer during the
- /// lookup process, in seconds.
- pub lookup_connection_lifespan: u64,
- /// The maximum number of retries for outbound connection establishment
- /// during the lookup process.
- pub lookup_connect_retries: usize,
- /////////////////
- ////////////////
- /// Interval at which the table refreshes its entries, in seconds.
- pub refresh_interval: u64,
- /// Timeout duration for a peer response during the table refresh process,
- /// in seconds.
- pub refresh_response_timeout: u64,
- /// The maximum number of retries for outbound connection establishment
- /// during the refresh process.
- pub refresh_connect_retries: usize,
-impl Default for Config {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Config {
- version: "0.1.0".parse().unwrap(),
- handshake_timeout: 2,
- ping_interval: 20,
- ping_timeout: 2,
- bootstrap_peers: vec![],
- listen_endpoint: None,
- peer_endpoints: vec![],
- inbound_slots: 12,
- outbound_slots: 12,
- max_connect_retries: 3,
- discovery_port: 0,
- seeding_interval: 60,
- lookup_inbound_slots: 20,
- lookup_outbound_slots: 20,
- lookup_response_timeout: 1,
- lookup_connection_lifespan: 3,
- lookup_connect_retries: 3,
- refresh_interval: 1800,
- refresh_response_timeout: 1,
- refresh_connect_retries: 3,
- }
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/discovery/lookup.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/discovery/lookup.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index f404133..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/discovery/lookup.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration};
-use futures_util::{stream::FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
-use log::{error, trace};
-use rand::{rngs::OsRng, seq::SliceRandom, RngCore};
-use smol::lock::{Mutex, RwLock};
-use karyons_core::{async_utils::timeout, utils::decode, Executor};
-use karyons_net::{Conn, Endpoint};
-use crate::{
- io_codec::IOCodec,
- message::{
- get_msg_payload, FindPeerMsg, NetMsg, NetMsgCmd, PeerMsg, PeersMsg, PingMsg, PongMsg,
- ShutdownMsg,
- },
- monitor::{ConnEvent, DiscoveryEvent, Monitor},
- net::{ConnectionSlots, Connector, Listener},
- routing_table::RoutingTable,
- utils::version_match,
- Config, Error, PeerID, Result,
-/// Maximum number of peers that can be returned in a PeersMsg.
-pub const MAX_PEERS_IN_PEERSMSG: usize = 10;
-pub struct LookupService {
- /// Peer's ID
- id: PeerID,
- /// Routing Table
- table: Arc<Mutex<RoutingTable>>,
- /// Listener
- listener: Arc<Listener>,
- /// Connector
- connector: Arc<Connector>,
- /// Outbound slots.
- outbound_slots: Arc<ConnectionSlots>,
- /// Resolved listen endpoint
- listen_endpoint: Option<RwLock<Endpoint>>,
- /// Holds the configuration for the P2P network.
- config: Arc<Config>,
- /// Responsible for network and system monitoring.
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
-impl LookupService {
- /// Creates a new lookup service
- pub fn new(
- id: &PeerID,
- table: Arc<Mutex<RoutingTable>>,
- config: Arc<Config>,
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
- ) -> Self {
- let inbound_slots = Arc::new(ConnectionSlots::new(config.lookup_inbound_slots));
- let outbound_slots = Arc::new(ConnectionSlots::new(config.lookup_outbound_slots));
- let listener = Listener::new(inbound_slots.clone(), monitor.clone());
- let connector = Connector::new(
- config.lookup_connect_retries,
- outbound_slots.clone(),
- monitor.clone(),
- );
- let listen_endpoint = config
- .listen_endpoint
- .as_ref()
- .map(|endpoint| RwLock::new(endpoint.clone()));
- Self {
- id: id.clone(),
- table,
- listener,
- connector,
- outbound_slots,
- listen_endpoint,
- config,
- monitor,
- }
- }
- /// Start the lookup service.
- pub async fn start(self: &Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()> {
- self.start_listener(ex).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Set the resolved listen endpoint.
- pub async fn set_listen_endpoint(&self, resolved_endpoint: &Endpoint) {
- if let Some(endpoint) = &self.listen_endpoint {
- *endpoint.write().await = resolved_endpoint.clone();
- }
- }
- /// Shuts down the lookup service.
- pub async fn shutdown(&self) {
- self.connector.shutdown().await;
- self.listener.shutdown().await;
- }
- /// Starts iterative lookup and populate the routing table.
- ///
- /// This method begins by generating a random peer ID and connecting to the
- /// provided endpoint. It then sends a FindPeer message containing the
- /// randomly generated peer ID. Upon receiving peers from the initial lookup,
- /// it starts connecting to these received peers and sends them a FindPeer
- /// message that contains our own peer ID.
- pub async fn start_lookup(&self, endpoint: &Endpoint) -> Result<()> {
- trace!("Lookup started {endpoint}");
- self.monitor
- .notify(&DiscoveryEvent::LookupStarted(endpoint.clone()).into())
- .await;
- let mut random_peers = vec![];
- if let Err(err) = self.random_lookup(endpoint, &mut random_peers).await {
- self.monitor
- .notify(&DiscoveryEvent::LookupFailed(endpoint.clone()).into())
- .await;
- return Err(err);
- };
- let mut peer_buffer = vec![];
- self.self_lookup(&random_peers, &mut peer_buffer).await;
- while peer_buffer.len() < MAX_PEERS_IN_PEERSMSG {
- match random_peers.pop() {
- Some(p) => peer_buffer.push(p),
- None => break,
- }
- }
- for peer in peer_buffer.iter() {
- let mut table = self.table.lock().await;
- let result = table.add_entry(peer.clone().into());
- trace!("Add entry {:?}", result);
- }
- self.monitor
- .notify(&DiscoveryEvent::LookupSucceeded(endpoint.clone(), peer_buffer.len()).into())
- .await;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Starts a random lookup
- ///
- /// This will perfom lookup on a random generated PeerID
- async fn random_lookup(
- &self,
- endpoint: &Endpoint,
- random_peers: &mut Vec<PeerMsg>,
- ) -> Result<()> {
- for _ in 0..2 {
- let peer_id = PeerID::random();
- let peers = self.connect(&peer_id, endpoint.clone()).await?;
- for peer in peers {
- if random_peers.contains(&peer)
- || peer.peer_id == self.id
- || self.table.lock().await.contains_key(&peer.peer_id.0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- random_peers.push(peer);
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Starts a self lookup
- async fn self_lookup(&self, random_peers: &Vec<PeerMsg>, peer_buffer: &mut Vec<PeerMsg>) {
- let mut tasks = FuturesUnordered::new();
- for peer in random_peers.choose_multiple(&mut OsRng, random_peers.len()) {
- let endpoint = Endpoint::Tcp(peer.addr.clone(), peer.discovery_port);
- tasks.push(self.connect(&self.id, endpoint))
- }
- while let Some(result) = tasks.next().await {
- match result {
- Ok(peers) => peer_buffer.extend(peers),
- Err(err) => {
- error!("Failed to do self lookup: {err}");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// Connects to the given endpoint
- async fn connect(&self, peer_id: &PeerID, endpoint: Endpoint) -> Result<Vec<PeerMsg>> {
- let conn = self.connector.connect(&endpoint).await?;
- let io_codec = IOCodec::new(conn);
- let result = self.handle_outbound(io_codec, peer_id).await;
- self.monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::Disconnected(endpoint).into())
- .await;
- self.outbound_slots.remove().await;
- result
- }
- /// Handles outbound connection
- async fn handle_outbound(&self, io_codec: IOCodec, peer_id: &PeerID) -> Result<Vec<PeerMsg>> {
- trace!("Send Ping msg");
- self.send_ping_msg(&io_codec).await?;
- trace!("Send FindPeer msg");
- let peers = self.send_findpeer_msg(&io_codec, peer_id).await?;
- if peers.0.len() >= MAX_PEERS_IN_PEERSMSG {
- return Err(Error::Lookup("Received too many peers in PeersMsg"));
- }
- trace!("Send Peer msg");
- if let Some(endpoint) = &self.listen_endpoint {
- self.send_peer_msg(&io_codec, endpoint.read().await.clone())
- .await?;
- }
- trace!("Send Shutdown msg");
- self.send_shutdown_msg(&io_codec).await?;
- Ok(peers.0)
- }
- /// Start a listener.
- async fn start_listener(self: &Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()> {
- let addr = match &self.listen_endpoint {
- Some(a) => a.read().await.addr()?.clone(),
- None => return Ok(()),
- };
- let endpoint = Endpoint::Tcp(addr, self.config.discovery_port);
- let selfc = self.clone();
- let callback = |conn: Conn| async move {
- let t = Duration::from_secs(selfc.config.lookup_connection_lifespan);
- timeout(t, selfc.handle_inbound(conn)).await??;
- Ok(())
- };
- self.listener.start(ex, endpoint.clone(), callback).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Handles inbound connection
- async fn handle_inbound(self: &Arc<Self>, conn: Conn) -> Result<()> {
- let io_codec = IOCodec::new(conn);
- loop {
- let msg: NetMsg = io_codec.read().await?;
- trace!("Receive msg {:?}", msg.header.command);
- if let NetMsgCmd::Shutdown = msg.header.command {
- return Ok(());
- }
- match &msg.header.command {
- NetMsgCmd::Ping => {
- let (ping_msg, _) = decode::<PingMsg>(&msg.payload)?;
- if !version_match(&self.config.version.req, &ping_msg.version) {
- return Err(Error::IncompatibleVersion("system: {}".into()));
- }
- self.send_pong_msg(ping_msg.nonce, &io_codec).await?;
- }
- NetMsgCmd::FindPeer => {
- let (findpeer_msg, _) = decode::<FindPeerMsg>(&msg.payload)?;
- let peer_id = findpeer_msg.0;
- self.send_peers_msg(&peer_id, &io_codec).await?;
- }
- NetMsgCmd::Peer => {
- let (peer, _) = decode::<PeerMsg>(&msg.payload)?;
- let result = self.table.lock().await.add_entry(peer.clone().into());
- trace!("Add entry result: {:?}", result);
- }
- c => return Err(Error::InvalidMsg(format!("Unexpected msg: {:?}", c))),
- }
- }
- }
- /// Sends a Ping msg and wait to receive the Pong message.
- async fn send_ping_msg(&self, io_codec: &IOCodec) -> Result<()> {
- trace!("Send Pong msg");
- let mut nonce: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
- RngCore::fill_bytes(&mut OsRng, &mut nonce);
- let ping_msg = PingMsg {
- version: self.config.version.v.clone(),
- nonce,
- };
- io_codec.write(NetMsgCmd::Ping, &ping_msg).await?;
- let t = Duration::from_secs(self.config.lookup_response_timeout);
- let recv_msg: NetMsg = io_codec.read_timeout(t).await?;
- let payload = get_msg_payload!(Pong, recv_msg);
- let (pong_msg, _) = decode::<PongMsg>(&payload)?;
- if ping_msg.nonce != pong_msg.0 {
- return Err(Error::InvalidPongMsg);
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Sends a Pong msg
- async fn send_pong_msg(&self, nonce: [u8; 32], io_codec: &IOCodec) -> Result<()> {
- trace!("Send Pong msg");
- io_codec.write(NetMsgCmd::Pong, &PongMsg(nonce)).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Sends a FindPeer msg and wait to receivet the Peers msg.
- async fn send_findpeer_msg(&self, io_codec: &IOCodec, peer_id: &PeerID) -> Result<PeersMsg> {
- trace!("Send FindPeer msg");
- io_codec
- .write(NetMsgCmd::FindPeer, &FindPeerMsg(peer_id.clone()))
- .await?;
- let t = Duration::from_secs(self.config.lookup_response_timeout);
- let recv_msg: NetMsg = io_codec.read_timeout(t).await?;
- let payload = get_msg_payload!(Peers, recv_msg);
- let (peers, _) = decode(&payload)?;
- Ok(peers)
- }
- /// Sends a Peers msg.
- async fn send_peers_msg(&self, peer_id: &PeerID, io_codec: &IOCodec) -> Result<()> {
- trace!("Send Peers msg");
- let table = self.table.lock().await;
- let entries = table.closest_entries(&peer_id.0, MAX_PEERS_IN_PEERSMSG);
- let peers: Vec<PeerMsg> = entries.into_iter().map(|e| e.into()).collect();
- drop(table);
- io_codec.write(NetMsgCmd::Peers, &PeersMsg(peers)).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Sends a Peer msg.
- async fn send_peer_msg(&self, io_codec: &IOCodec, endpoint: Endpoint) -> Result<()> {
- trace!("Send Peer msg");
- let peer_msg = PeerMsg {
- addr: endpoint.addr()?.clone(),
- port: *endpoint.port()?,
- discovery_port: self.config.discovery_port,
- peer_id: self.id.clone(),
- };
- io_codec.write(NetMsgCmd::Peer, &peer_msg).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Sends a Shutdown msg.
- async fn send_shutdown_msg(&self, io_codec: &IOCodec) -> Result<()> {
- trace!("Send Shutdown msg");
- io_codec.write(NetMsgCmd::Shutdown, &ShutdownMsg(0)).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/discovery/mod.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/discovery/mod.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 94b350b..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/discovery/mod.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-mod lookup;
-mod refresh;
-use std::sync::Arc;
-use log::{error, info};
-use rand::{rngs::OsRng, seq::SliceRandom};
-use smol::lock::Mutex;
-use karyons_core::{
- async_utils::{Backoff, TaskGroup, TaskResult},
- Executor,
-use karyons_net::{Conn, Endpoint};
-use crate::{
- config::Config,
- monitor::Monitor,
- net::ConnQueue,
- net::{ConnDirection, ConnectionSlots, Connector, Listener},
- routing_table::{
- },
- Error, PeerID, Result,
-use lookup::LookupService;
-use refresh::RefreshService;
-pub type ArcDiscovery = Arc<Discovery>;
-pub struct Discovery {
- /// Routing table
- table: Arc<Mutex<RoutingTable>>,
- /// Lookup Service
- lookup_service: Arc<LookupService>,
- /// Refresh Service
- refresh_service: Arc<RefreshService>,
- /// Connector
- connector: Arc<Connector>,
- /// Listener
- listener: Arc<Listener>,
- /// Connection queue
- conn_queue: Arc<ConnQueue>,
- /// Inbound slots.
- pub(crate) inbound_slots: Arc<ConnectionSlots>,
- /// Outbound slots.
- pub(crate) outbound_slots: Arc<ConnectionSlots>,
- /// Managing spawned tasks.
- task_group: TaskGroup,
- /// Holds the configuration for the P2P network.
- config: Arc<Config>,
-impl Discovery {
- /// Creates a new Discovery
- pub fn new(
- peer_id: &PeerID,
- conn_queue: Arc<ConnQueue>,
- config: Arc<Config>,
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
- ) -> ArcDiscovery {
- let inbound_slots = Arc::new(ConnectionSlots::new(config.inbound_slots));
- let outbound_slots = Arc::new(ConnectionSlots::new(config.outbound_slots));
- let table_key = peer_id.0;
- let table = Arc::new(Mutex::new(RoutingTable::new(table_key)));
- let refresh_service = RefreshService::new(config.clone(), table.clone(), monitor.clone());
- let lookup_service =
- LookupService::new(peer_id, table.clone(), config.clone(), monitor.clone());
- let connector = Connector::new(
- config.max_connect_retries,
- outbound_slots.clone(),
- monitor.clone(),
- );
- let listener = Listener::new(inbound_slots.clone(), monitor.clone());
- Arc::new(Self {
- refresh_service: Arc::new(refresh_service),
- lookup_service: Arc::new(lookup_service),
- conn_queue,
- table,
- inbound_slots,
- outbound_slots,
- connector,
- listener,
- task_group: TaskGroup::new(),
- config,
- })
- }
- /// Start the Discovery
- pub async fn start(self: &Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()> {
- // Check if the listen_endpoint is provided, and if so, start a listener.
- if let Some(endpoint) = &self.config.listen_endpoint {
- // Return an error if the discovery port is set to 0.
- if self.config.discovery_port == 0 {
- return Err(Error::Config(
- "Please add a valid discovery port".to_string(),
- ));
- }
- let resolved_endpoint = self.start_listener(endpoint, ex.clone()).await?;
- if endpoint.addr()? != resolved_endpoint.addr()? {
- info!("Resolved listen endpoint: {resolved_endpoint}");
- self.lookup_service
- .set_listen_endpoint(&resolved_endpoint)
- .await;
- self.refresh_service
- .set_listen_endpoint(&resolved_endpoint)
- .await;
- }
- }
- // Start the lookup service
- self.lookup_service.start(ex.clone()).await?;
- // Start the refresh service
- self.refresh_service.start(ex.clone()).await?;
- // Attempt to manually connect to peer endpoints provided in the Config.
- for endpoint in self.config.peer_endpoints.iter() {
- let _ = self.connect(endpoint, None, ex.clone()).await;
- }
- // Start connect loop
- let selfc = self.clone();
- self.task_group
- .spawn(ex.clone(), selfc.connect_loop(ex), |res| async move {
- if let TaskResult::Completed(Err(err)) = res {
- error!("Connect loop stopped: {err}");
- }
- });
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Shuts down the discovery
- pub async fn shutdown(&self) {
- self.task_group.cancel().await;
- self.connector.shutdown().await;
- self.listener.shutdown().await;
- self.refresh_service.shutdown().await;
- self.lookup_service.shutdown().await;
- }
- /// Start a listener and on success, return the resolved endpoint.
- async fn start_listener(
- self: &Arc<Self>,
- endpoint: &Endpoint,
- ex: Executor<'_>,
- ) -> Result<Endpoint> {
- let selfc = self.clone();
- let callback = |conn: Conn| async move {
- selfc.conn_queue.handle(conn, ConnDirection::Inbound).await;
- Ok(())
- };
- let resolved_endpoint = self.listener.start(ex, endpoint.clone(), callback).await?;
- Ok(resolved_endpoint)
- }
- /// This method will attempt to connect to a peer in the routing table.
- /// If the routing table is empty, it will start the seeding process for
- /// finding new peers.
- ///
- /// This will perform a backoff to prevent getting stuck in the loop
- /// if the seeding process couldn't find any peers.
- async fn connect_loop(self: Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()> {
- let backoff = Backoff::new(500, self.config.seeding_interval * 1000);
- loop {
- let random_entry = self.random_entry(PENDING_ENTRY).await;
- match random_entry {
- Some(entry) => {
- backoff.reset();
- let endpoint = Endpoint::Tcp(entry.addr, entry.port);
- self.connect(&endpoint, Some(entry.key.into()), ex.clone())
- .await;
- }
- None => {
- backoff.sleep().await;
- self.start_seeding().await;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// Connect to the given endpoint using the connector
- async fn connect(self: &Arc<Self>, endpoint: &Endpoint, pid: Option<PeerID>, ex: Executor<'_>) {
- let selfc = self.clone();
- let pid_cloned = pid.clone();
- let cback = |conn: Conn| async move {
- selfc.conn_queue.handle(conn, ConnDirection::Outbound).await;
- if let Some(pid) = pid_cloned {
- selfc.update_entry(&pid, DISCONNECTED_ENTRY).await;
- }
- Ok(())
- };
- let res = self.connector.connect_with_cback(ex, endpoint, cback).await;
- if let Some(pid) = &pid {
- match res {
- Ok(_) => {
- self.update_entry(pid, CONNECTED_ENTRY).await;
- }
- Err(_) => {
- self.update_entry(pid, UNREACHABLE_ENTRY).await;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// Starts seeding process.
- ///
- /// This method randomly selects a peer from the routing table and
- /// attempts to connect to that peer for the initial lookup. If the routing
- /// table doesn't have an available entry, it will connect to one of the
- /// provided bootstrap endpoints in the `Config` and initiate the lookup.
- async fn start_seeding(&self) {
- match self.random_entry(PENDING_ENTRY | CONNECTED_ENTRY).await {
- Some(entry) => {
- let endpoint = Endpoint::Tcp(entry.addr, entry.discovery_port);
- if let Err(err) = self.lookup_service.start_lookup(&endpoint).await {
- self.update_entry(&entry.key.into(), UNSTABLE_ENTRY).await;
- error!("Failed to do lookup: {endpoint}: {err}");
- }
- }
- None => {
- let peers = &self.config.bootstrap_peers;
- for endpoint in peers.choose_multiple(&mut OsRng, peers.len()) {
- if let Err(err) = self.lookup_service.start_lookup(endpoint).await {
- error!("Failed to do lookup: {endpoint}: {err}");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// Returns a random entry from routing table.
- async fn random_entry(&self, entry_flag: EntryStatusFlag) -> Option<Entry> {
- self.table.lock().await.random_entry(entry_flag).cloned()
- }
- /// Update the entry status
- async fn update_entry(&self, pid: &PeerID, entry_flag: EntryStatusFlag) {
- let table = &mut self.table.lock().await;
- table.update_entry(&pid.0, entry_flag);
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/discovery/refresh.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/discovery/refresh.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7582c84..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/discovery/refresh.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration};
-use bincode::{Decode, Encode};
-use log::{error, info, trace};
-use rand::{rngs::OsRng, RngCore};
-use smol::{
- lock::{Mutex, RwLock},
- stream::StreamExt,
- Timer,
-use karyons_core::{
- async_utils::{timeout, Backoff, TaskGroup, TaskResult},
- utils::{decode, encode},
- Executor,
-use karyons_net::{dial_udp, listen_udp, Addr, Connection, Endpoint, NetError, Port, UdpConn};
-/// Maximum failures for an entry before removing it from the routing table.
-pub const MAX_FAILURES: u32 = 3;
-/// Ping message size
-const PINGMSG_SIZE: usize = 32;
-use crate::{
- monitor::{ConnEvent, DiscoveryEvent, Monitor},
- routing_table::{BucketEntry, Entry, RoutingTable, PENDING_ENTRY, UNREACHABLE_ENTRY},
- Config, Error, Result,
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct PingMsg(pub [u8; 32]);
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug)]
-pub struct PongMsg(pub [u8; 32]);
-pub struct RefreshService {
- /// Routing table
- table: Arc<Mutex<RoutingTable>>,
- /// Resolved listen endpoint
- listen_endpoint: Option<RwLock<Endpoint>>,
- /// Managing spawned tasks.
- task_group: TaskGroup,
- /// Holds the configuration for the P2P network.
- config: Arc<Config>,
- /// Responsible for network and system monitoring.
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
-impl RefreshService {
- /// Creates a new refresh service
- pub fn new(
- config: Arc<Config>,
- table: Arc<Mutex<RoutingTable>>,
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
- ) -> Self {
- let listen_endpoint = config
- .listen_endpoint
- .as_ref()
- .map(|endpoint| RwLock::new(endpoint.clone()));
- Self {
- table,
- listen_endpoint,
- task_group: TaskGroup::new(),
- config,
- monitor,
- }
- }
- /// Start the refresh service
- pub async fn start(self: &Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()> {
- if let Some(endpoint) = &self.listen_endpoint {
- let endpoint = endpoint.read().await;
- let addr = endpoint.addr()?;
- let port = self.config.discovery_port;
- let selfc = self.clone();
- self.task_group.spawn(
- ex.clone(),
- selfc.listen_loop(addr.clone(), port),
- |res| async move {
- if let TaskResult::Completed(Err(err)) = res {
- error!("Listen loop stopped: {err}");
- }
- },
- );
- }
- let selfc = self.clone();
- self.task_group.spawn(
- ex.clone(),
- selfc.refresh_loop(ex.clone()),
- |res| async move {
- if let TaskResult::Completed(Err(err)) = res {
- error!("Refresh loop stopped: {err}");
- }
- },
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Set the resolved listen endpoint.
- pub async fn set_listen_endpoint(&self, resolved_endpoint: &Endpoint) {
- if let Some(endpoint) = &self.listen_endpoint {
- *endpoint.write().await = resolved_endpoint.clone();
- }
- }
- /// Shuts down the refresh service
- pub async fn shutdown(&self) {
- self.task_group.cancel().await;
- }
- /// Initiates periodic refreshing of the routing table. This function will
- /// select 8 random entries from each bucket in the routing table and start
- /// sending Ping messages to the entries.
- async fn refresh_loop(self: Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()> {
- let mut timer = Timer::interval(Duration::from_secs(self.config.refresh_interval));
- loop {
- timer.next().await;
- trace!("Start refreshing the routing table...");
- self.monitor
- .notify(&DiscoveryEvent::RefreshStarted.into())
- .await;
- let table = self.table.lock().await;
- let mut entries: Vec<BucketEntry> = vec![];
- for bucket in table.iter() {
- for entry in bucket.random_iter(8) {
- entries.push(entry.clone())
- }
- }
- drop(table);
- self.clone().do_refresh(&entries, ex.clone()).await;
- }
- }
- /// Iterates over the entries and spawns a new task for each entry to
- /// initiate a connection attempt to that entry.
- async fn do_refresh(self: Arc<Self>, entries: &[BucketEntry], ex: Executor<'_>) {
- for chunk in entries.chunks(16) {
- let mut tasks = Vec::new();
- for bucket_entry in chunk {
- if bucket_entry.is_connected() {
- continue;
- }
- if bucket_entry.failures >= MAX_FAILURES {
- self.table
- .lock()
- .await
- .remove_entry(&bucket_entry.entry.key);
- return;
- }
- tasks.push(ex.spawn(self.clone().refresh_entry(bucket_entry.clone())))
- }
- for task in tasks {
- task.await;
- }
- }
- }
- /// Initiates refresh for a specific entry within the routing table. It
- /// updates the routing table according to the result.
- async fn refresh_entry(self: Arc<Self>, bucket_entry: BucketEntry) {
- let key = &bucket_entry.entry.key;
- match self.connect(&bucket_entry.entry).await {
- Ok(_) => {
- self.table.lock().await.update_entry(key, PENDING_ENTRY);
- }
- Err(err) => {
- trace!("Failed to refresh entry {:?}: {err}", key);
- let table = &mut self.table.lock().await;
- if bucket_entry.failures >= MAX_FAILURES {
- table.remove_entry(key);
- return;
- }
- table.update_entry(key, UNREACHABLE_ENTRY);
- }
- }
- }
- /// Initiates a UDP connection with the entry and attempts to send a Ping
- /// message. If it fails, it retries according to the allowed retries
- /// specified in the Config, with backoff between each retry.
- async fn connect(&self, entry: &Entry) -> Result<()> {
- let mut retry = 0;
- let conn = dial_udp(&entry.addr, &entry.discovery_port).await?;
- let backoff = Backoff::new(100, 5000);
- while retry < self.config.refresh_connect_retries {
- match self.send_ping_msg(&conn).await {
- Ok(()) => return Ok(()),
- Err(Error::KaryonsNet(NetError::Timeout)) => {
- retry += 1;
- backoff.sleep().await;
- }
- Err(err) => {
- return Err(err);
- }
- }
- }
- Err(NetError::Timeout.into())
- }
- /// Set up a UDP listener and start listening for Ping messages from other
- /// peers.
- async fn listen_loop(self: Arc<Self>, addr: Addr, port: Port) -> Result<()> {
- let endpoint = Endpoint::Udp(addr.clone(), port);
- let conn = match listen_udp(&addr, &port).await {
- Ok(c) => {
- self.monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::Listening(endpoint.clone()).into())
- .await;
- c
- }
- Err(err) => {
- self.monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::ListenFailed(endpoint.clone()).into())
- .await;
- return Err(err.into());
- }
- };
- info!("Start listening on {endpoint}");
- loop {
- let res = self.listen_to_ping_msg(&conn).await;
- if let Err(err) = res {
- trace!("Failed to handle ping msg {err}");
- self.monitor.notify(&ConnEvent::AcceptFailed.into()).await;
- }
- }
- }
- /// Listen to receive a Ping message and respond with a Pong message.
- async fn listen_to_ping_msg(&self, conn: &UdpConn) -> Result<()> {
- let mut buf = [0; PINGMSG_SIZE];
- let (_, endpoint) = conn.recv_from(&mut buf).await?;
- self.monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::Accepted(endpoint.clone()).into())
- .await;
- let (ping_msg, _) = decode::<PingMsg>(&buf)?;
- let pong_msg = PongMsg(ping_msg.0);
- let buffer = encode(&pong_msg)?;
- conn.send_to(&buffer, &endpoint).await?;
- self.monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::Disconnected(endpoint.clone()).into())
- .await;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Sends a Ping msg and wait to receive the Pong message.
- async fn send_ping_msg(&self, conn: &UdpConn) -> Result<()> {
- let mut nonce: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
- RngCore::fill_bytes(&mut OsRng, &mut nonce);
- let ping_msg = PingMsg(nonce);
- let buffer = encode(&ping_msg)?;
- conn.send(&buffer).await?;
- let buf = &mut [0; PINGMSG_SIZE];
- let t = Duration::from_secs(self.config.refresh_response_timeout);
- timeout(t, conn.recv(buf)).await??;
- let (pong_msg, _) = decode::<PongMsg>(buf)?;
- if ping_msg.0 != pong_msg.0 {
- return Err(Error::InvalidPongMsg);
- }
- Ok(())
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/error.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/error.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 945e90a..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/error.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-use thiserror::Error as ThisError;
-pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
-/// Represents Karyons's p2p Error.
-#[derive(ThisError, Debug)]
-pub enum Error {
- #[error("IO Error: {0}")]
- IO(#[from] std::io::Error),
- #[error("Unsupported protocol error: {0}")]
- UnsupportedProtocol(String),
- #[error("Invalid message error: {0}")]
- InvalidMsg(String),
- #[error("Parse error: {0}")]
- ParseError(String),
- #[error("Incompatible version error: {0}")]
- IncompatibleVersion(String),
- #[error("Config error: {0}")]
- Config(String),
- #[error("Peer shutdown")]
- PeerShutdown,
- #[error("Invalid Pong Msg")]
- InvalidPongMsg,
- #[error("Discovery error: {0}")]
- Discovery(&'static str),
- #[error("Lookup error: {0}")]
- Lookup(&'static str),
- #[error("Peer already connected")]
- PeerAlreadyConnected,
- #[error("Channel Send Error: {0}")]
- ChannelSend(String),
- #[error("Channel Receive Error: {0}")]
- ChannelRecv(String),
- #[error("CORE::ERROR : {0}")]
- KaryonsCore(#[from] karyons_core::error::Error),
- #[error("NET::ERROR : {0}")]
- KaryonsNet(#[from] karyons_net::NetError),
-impl<T> From<smol::channel::SendError<T>> for Error {
- fn from(error: smol::channel::SendError<T>) -> Self {
- Error::ChannelSend(error.to_string())
- }
-impl From<smol::channel::RecvError> for Error {
- fn from(error: smol::channel::RecvError) -> Self {
- Error::ChannelRecv(error.to_string())
- }
-impl From<std::num::ParseIntError> for Error {
- fn from(error: std::num::ParseIntError) -> Self {
- Error::ParseError(error.to_string())
- }
-impl From<std::num::ParseFloatError> for Error {
- fn from(error: std::num::ParseFloatError) -> Self {
- Error::ParseError(error.to_string())
- }
-impl From<semver::Error> for Error {
- fn from(error: semver::Error) -> Self {
- Error::ParseError(error.to_string())
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/io_codec.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/io_codec.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4515832..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/io_codec.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-use std::time::Duration;
-use bincode::{Decode, Encode};
-use karyons_core::{
- async_utils::timeout,
- utils::{decode, encode, encode_into_slice},
-use karyons_net::{Connection, NetError};
-use crate::{
- message::{NetMsg, NetMsgCmd, NetMsgHeader, MAX_ALLOWED_MSG_SIZE, MSG_HEADER_SIZE},
- Error, Result,
-pub trait CodecMsg: Decode + Encode + std::fmt::Debug {}
-impl<T: Encode + Decode + std::fmt::Debug> CodecMsg for T {}
-/// I/O codec working with generic network connections.
-/// It is responsible for both decoding data received from the network and
-/// encoding data before sending it.
-pub struct IOCodec {
- conn: Box<dyn Connection>,
-impl IOCodec {
- /// Creates a new IOCodec.
- pub fn new(conn: Box<dyn Connection>) -> Self {
- Self { conn }
- }
- /// Reads a message of type `NetMsg` from the connection.
- ///
- /// It reads the first 6 bytes as the header of the message, then reads
- /// and decodes the remaining message data based on the determined header.
- pub async fn read(&self) -> Result<NetMsg> {
- // Read 6 bytes to get the header of the incoming message
- let mut buf = [0; MSG_HEADER_SIZE];
- self.conn.recv(&mut buf).await?;
- // Decode the header from bytes to NetMsgHeader
- let (header, _) = decode::<NetMsgHeader>(&buf)?;
- if header.payload_size > MAX_ALLOWED_MSG_SIZE {
- return Err(Error::InvalidMsg(
- "Message exceeds the maximum allowed size".to_string(),
- ));
- }
- // Create a buffer to hold the message based on its length
- let mut payload = vec![0; header.payload_size as usize];
- self.conn.recv(&mut payload).await?;
- Ok(NetMsg { header, payload })
- }
- /// Writes a message of type `T` to the connection.
- ///
- /// Before appending the actual message payload, it calculates the length of
- /// the encoded message in bytes and appends this length to the message header.
- pub async fn write<T: CodecMsg>(&self, command: NetMsgCmd, msg: &T) -> Result<()> {
- let payload = encode(msg)?;
- // Create a buffer to hold the message header (6 bytes)
- let header_buf = &mut [0; MSG_HEADER_SIZE];
- let header = NetMsgHeader {
- command,
- payload_size: payload.len() as u32,
- };
- encode_into_slice(&header, header_buf)?;
- let mut buffer = vec![];
- // Append the header bytes to the buffer
- buffer.extend_from_slice(header_buf);
- // Append the message payload to the buffer
- buffer.extend_from_slice(&payload);
- self.conn.send(&buffer).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Reads a message of type `NetMsg` with the given timeout.
- pub async fn read_timeout(&self, duration: Duration) -> Result<NetMsg> {
- timeout(duration, self.read())
- .await
- .map_err(|_| NetError::Timeout)?
- }
- /// Writes a message of type `T` with the given timeout.
- pub async fn write_timeout<T: CodecMsg>(
- &self,
- command: NetMsgCmd,
- msg: &T,
- duration: Duration,
- ) -> Result<()> {
- timeout(duration, self.write(command, msg))
- .await
- .map_err(|_| NetError::Timeout)?
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/lib.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/lib.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 08ba059..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/lib.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-mod backend;
-mod config;
-mod discovery;
-mod error;
-mod io_codec;
-mod message;
-mod net;
-mod peer;
-mod peer_pool;
-mod protocols;
-mod routing_table;
-mod utils;
-/// Responsible for network and system monitoring.
-/// [`Read More`](./monitor/struct.Monitor.html)
-pub mod monitor;
-/// Defines the protocol trait.
-/// [`Read More`](./protocol/trait.Protocol.html)
-pub mod protocol;
-pub use backend::{ArcBackend, Backend};
-pub use config::Config;
-pub use error::Error as P2pError;
-pub use peer::{ArcPeer, PeerID};
-pub use utils::Version;
-use error::{Error, Result};
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/message.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/message.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 833f6f4..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/message.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use bincode::{Decode, Encode};
-use karyons_net::{Addr, Port};
-use crate::{protocol::ProtocolID, routing_table::Entry, utils::VersionInt, PeerID};
-/// The size of the message header, in bytes.
-pub const MSG_HEADER_SIZE: usize = 6;
-/// The maximum allowed size for a message in bytes.
-pub const MAX_ALLOWED_MSG_SIZE: u32 = 1000000;
-/// Defines the main message in the Karyon P2P network.
-/// This message structure consists of a header and payload, where the header
-/// typically contains essential information about the message, and the payload
-/// contains the actual data being transmitted.
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct NetMsg {
- pub header: NetMsgHeader,
- pub payload: Vec<u8>,
-/// Represents the header of a message.
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct NetMsgHeader {
- pub command: NetMsgCmd,
- pub payload_size: u32,
-/// Defines message commands.
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum NetMsgCmd {
- Version,
- Verack,
- Protocol,
- Shutdown,
- // NOTE: The following commands are used during the lookup process.
- Ping,
- Pong,
- FindPeer,
- Peer,
- Peers,
-/// Defines a message related to a specific protocol.
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct ProtocolMsg {
- pub protocol_id: ProtocolID,
- pub payload: Vec<u8>,
-/// Version message, providing information about a peer's capabilities.
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct VerMsg {
- pub peer_id: PeerID,
- pub version: VersionInt,
- pub protocols: HashMap<ProtocolID, VersionInt>,
-/// VerAck message acknowledging the receipt of a Version message.
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct VerAckMsg(pub PeerID);
-/// Shutdown message.
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct ShutdownMsg(pub u8);
-/// Ping message with a nonce and version information.
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct PingMsg {
- pub nonce: [u8; 32],
- pub version: VersionInt,
-/// Ping message with a nonce.
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug)]
-pub struct PongMsg(pub [u8; 32]);
-/// FindPeer message used to find a specific peer.
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug)]
-pub struct FindPeerMsg(pub PeerID);
-/// PeerMsg containing information about a peer.
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct PeerMsg {
- pub peer_id: PeerID,
- pub addr: Addr,
- pub port: Port,
- pub discovery_port: Port,
-/// PeersMsg a list of `PeerMsg`.
-#[derive(Decode, Encode, Debug)]
-pub struct PeersMsg(pub Vec<PeerMsg>);
-macro_rules! get_msg_payload {
- ($a:ident, $b:expr) => {
- if let NetMsgCmd::$a = $b.header.command {
- $b.payload
- } else {
- return Err(Error::InvalidMsg(format!("Unexpected msg{:?}", $b)));
- }
- };
-pub(super) use get_msg_payload;
-impl From<Entry> for PeerMsg {
- fn from(entry: Entry) -> PeerMsg {
- PeerMsg {
- peer_id: PeerID(entry.key),
- addr: entry.addr,
- port: entry.port,
- discovery_port: entry.discovery_port,
- }
- }
-impl From<PeerMsg> for Entry {
- fn from(peer: PeerMsg) -> Entry {
- Entry {
- key: peer.peer_id.0,
- addr: peer.addr,
- port: peer.port,
- discovery_port: peer.discovery_port,
- }
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/monitor.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/monitor.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ee0bf44..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/monitor.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-use std::fmt;
-use crate::PeerID;
-use karyons_core::pubsub::{ArcPublisher, Publisher, Subscription};
-use karyons_net::Endpoint;
-/// Responsible for network and system monitoring.
-/// It use pub-sub pattern to notify the subscribers with new events.
-/// # Example
-/// ```
-/// use karyons_p2p::{Config, Backend, PeerID};
-/// async {
-/// let backend = Backend::new(PeerID::random(), Config::default());
-/// // Create a new Subscription
-/// let sub = backend.monitor().await;
-/// let event = sub.recv().await;
-/// };
-/// ```
-pub struct Monitor {
- inner: ArcPublisher<MonitorEvent>,
-impl Monitor {
- /// Creates a new Monitor
- pub(crate) fn new() -> Monitor {
- Self {
- inner: Publisher::new(),
- }
- }
- /// Sends a new monitor event to all subscribers.
- pub async fn notify(&self, event: &MonitorEvent) {
- self.inner.notify(event).await;
- }
- /// Subscribes to listen to new events.
- pub async fn subscribe(&self) -> Subscription<MonitorEvent> {
- self.inner.subscribe().await
- }
-/// Defines various type of event that can be monitored.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub enum MonitorEvent {
- Conn(ConnEvent),
- PeerPool(PeerPoolEvent),
- Discovery(DiscoveryEvent),
-/// Defines connection-related events.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub enum ConnEvent {
- Connected(Endpoint),
- ConnectRetried(Endpoint),
- ConnectFailed(Endpoint),
- Accepted(Endpoint),
- AcceptFailed,
- Disconnected(Endpoint),
- Listening(Endpoint),
- ListenFailed(Endpoint),
-/// Defines `PeerPool` events.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub enum PeerPoolEvent {
- NewPeer(PeerID),
- RemovePeer(PeerID),
-/// Defines `Discovery` events.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub enum DiscoveryEvent {
- LookupStarted(Endpoint),
- LookupFailed(Endpoint),
- LookupSucceeded(Endpoint, usize),
- RefreshStarted,
-impl fmt::Display for MonitorEvent {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- let val = match self {
- MonitorEvent::Conn(e) => format!("Connection Event: {e}"),
- MonitorEvent::PeerPool(e) => format!("PeerPool Event: {e}"),
- MonitorEvent::Discovery(e) => format!("Discovery Event: {e}"),
- };
- write!(f, "{}", val)
- }
-impl fmt::Display for ConnEvent {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- let val = match self {
- ConnEvent::Connected(endpoint) => format!("Connected: {endpoint}"),
- ConnEvent::ConnectFailed(endpoint) => format!("ConnectFailed: {endpoint}"),
- ConnEvent::ConnectRetried(endpoint) => format!("ConnectRetried: {endpoint}"),
- ConnEvent::AcceptFailed => "AcceptFailed".to_string(),
- ConnEvent::Accepted(endpoint) => format!("Accepted: {endpoint}"),
- ConnEvent::Disconnected(endpoint) => format!("Disconnected: {endpoint}"),
- ConnEvent::Listening(endpoint) => format!("Listening: {endpoint}"),
- ConnEvent::ListenFailed(endpoint) => format!("ListenFailed: {endpoint}"),
- };
- write!(f, "{}", val)
- }
-impl fmt::Display for PeerPoolEvent {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- let val = match self {
- PeerPoolEvent::NewPeer(pid) => format!("NewPeer: {pid}"),
- PeerPoolEvent::RemovePeer(pid) => format!("RemovePeer: {pid}"),
- };
- write!(f, "{}", val)
- }
-impl fmt::Display for DiscoveryEvent {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- let val = match self {
- DiscoveryEvent::LookupStarted(endpoint) => format!("LookupStarted: {endpoint}"),
- DiscoveryEvent::LookupFailed(endpoint) => format!("LookupFailed: {endpoint}"),
- DiscoveryEvent::LookupSucceeded(endpoint, len) => {
- format!("LookupSucceeded: {endpoint} {len}")
- }
- DiscoveryEvent::RefreshStarted => "RefreshStarted".to_string(),
- };
- write!(f, "{}", val)
- }
-impl From<ConnEvent> for MonitorEvent {
- fn from(val: ConnEvent) -> Self {
- MonitorEvent::Conn(val)
- }
-impl From<PeerPoolEvent> for MonitorEvent {
- fn from(val: PeerPoolEvent) -> Self {
- MonitorEvent::PeerPool(val)
- }
-impl From<DiscoveryEvent> for MonitorEvent {
- fn from(val: DiscoveryEvent) -> Self {
- MonitorEvent::Discovery(val)
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/net/connection_queue.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/net/connection_queue.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index fbc4bfc..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/net/connection_queue.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-use std::sync::Arc;
-use smol::{channel::Sender, lock::Mutex};
-use karyons_core::async_utils::CondVar;
-use karyons_net::Conn;
-use crate::net::ConnDirection;
-pub struct NewConn {
- pub direction: ConnDirection,
- pub conn: Conn,
- pub disconnect_signal: Sender<()>,
-/// Connection queue
-pub struct ConnQueue {
- queue: Mutex<Vec<NewConn>>,
- conn_available: CondVar,
-impl ConnQueue {
- pub fn new() -> Arc<Self> {
- Arc::new(Self {
- queue: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
- conn_available: CondVar::new(),
- })
- }
- /// Push a connection into the queue and wait for the disconnect signal
- pub async fn handle(&self, conn: Conn, direction: ConnDirection) {
- let (disconnect_signal, chan) = smol::channel::bounded(1);
- let new_conn = NewConn {
- direction,
- conn,
- disconnect_signal,
- };
- self.queue.lock().await.push(new_conn);
- self.conn_available.signal();
- let _ = chan.recv().await;
- }
- /// Receive the next connection in the queue
- pub async fn next(&self) -> NewConn {
- let mut queue = self.queue.lock().await;
- while queue.is_empty() {
- queue = self.conn_available.wait(queue).await;
- }
- queue.pop().unwrap()
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/net/connector.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/net/connector.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 72dc0d8..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/net/connector.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-use std::{future::Future, sync::Arc};
-use log::{trace, warn};
-use karyons_core::{
- async_utils::{Backoff, TaskGroup, TaskResult},
- Executor,
-use karyons_net::{dial, Conn, Endpoint, NetError};
-use crate::{
- monitor::{ConnEvent, Monitor},
- Result,
-use super::slots::ConnectionSlots;
-/// Responsible for creating outbound connections with other peers.
-pub struct Connector {
- /// Managing spawned tasks.
- task_group: TaskGroup,
- /// Manages available outbound slots.
- connection_slots: Arc<ConnectionSlots>,
- /// The maximum number of retries allowed before successfully
- /// establishing a connection.
- max_retries: usize,
- /// Responsible for network and system monitoring.
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
-impl Connector {
- /// Creates a new Connector
- pub fn new(
- max_retries: usize,
- connection_slots: Arc<ConnectionSlots>,
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
- ) -> Arc<Self> {
- Arc::new(Self {
- task_group: TaskGroup::new(),
- monitor,
- connection_slots,
- max_retries,
- })
- }
- /// Shuts down the connector
- pub async fn shutdown(&self) {
- self.task_group.cancel().await;
- }
- /// Establish a connection to the specified `endpoint`. If the connection
- /// attempt fails, it performs a backoff and retries until the maximum allowed
- /// number of retries is exceeded. On a successful connection, it returns a
- /// `Conn` instance.
- ///
- /// This method will block until it finds an available slot.
- pub async fn connect(&self, endpoint: &Endpoint) -> Result<Conn> {
- self.connection_slots.wait_for_slot().await;
- self.connection_slots.add();
- let mut retry = 0;
- let backoff = Backoff::new(500, 2000);
- while retry < self.max_retries {
- let conn_result = dial(endpoint).await;
- if let Ok(conn) = conn_result {
- self.monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::Connected(endpoint.clone()).into())
- .await;
- return Ok(conn);
- }
- self.monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::ConnectRetried(endpoint.clone()).into())
- .await;
- backoff.sleep().await;
- warn!("try to reconnect {endpoint}");
- retry += 1;
- }
- self.monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::ConnectFailed(endpoint.clone()).into())
- .await;
- self.connection_slots.remove().await;
- Err(NetError::Timeout.into())
- }
- /// Establish a connection to the given `endpoint`. For each new connection,
- /// it invokes the provided `callback`, and pass the connection to the callback.
- pub async fn connect_with_cback<'a, Fut>(
- self: &Arc<Self>,
- ex: Executor<'a>,
- endpoint: &Endpoint,
- callback: impl FnOnce(Conn) -> Fut + Send + 'a,
- ) -> Result<()>
- where
- Fut: Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send + 'a,
- {
- let conn = self.connect(endpoint).await?;
- let selfc = self.clone();
- let endpoint = endpoint.clone();
- let on_disconnect = |res| async move {
- if let TaskResult::Completed(Err(err)) = res {
- trace!("Outbound connection dropped: {err}");
- }
- selfc
- .monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::Disconnected(endpoint.clone()).into())
- .await;
- selfc.connection_slots.remove().await;
- };
- self.task_group
- .spawn(ex.clone(), callback(conn), on_disconnect);
- Ok(())
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/net/listener.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/net/listener.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index d1a7bfb..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/net/listener.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-use std::{future::Future, sync::Arc};
-use log::{error, info, trace};
-use karyons_core::{
- async_utils::{TaskGroup, TaskResult},
- Executor,
-use karyons_net::{listen, Conn, Endpoint, Listener as NetListener};
-use crate::{
- monitor::{ConnEvent, Monitor},
- Result,
-use super::slots::ConnectionSlots;
-/// Responsible for creating inbound connections with other peers.
-pub struct Listener {
- /// Managing spawned tasks.
- task_group: TaskGroup,
- /// Manages available inbound slots.
- connection_slots: Arc<ConnectionSlots>,
- /// Responsible for network and system monitoring.
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
-impl Listener {
- /// Creates a new Listener
- pub fn new(connection_slots: Arc<ConnectionSlots>, monitor: Arc<Monitor>) -> Arc<Self> {
- Arc::new(Self {
- connection_slots,
- task_group: TaskGroup::new(),
- monitor,
- })
- }
- /// Starts a listener on the given `endpoint`. For each incoming connection
- /// that is accepted, it invokes the provided `callback`, and pass the
- /// connection to the callback.
- ///
- /// Returns the resloved listening endpoint.
- pub async fn start<'a, Fut>(
- self: &Arc<Self>,
- ex: Executor<'a>,
- endpoint: Endpoint,
- // https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/2132
- callback: impl FnOnce(Conn) -> Fut + Clone + Send + 'a,
- ) -> Result<Endpoint>
- where
- Fut: Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send + 'a,
- {
- let listener = match listen(&endpoint).await {
- Ok(listener) => {
- self.monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::Listening(endpoint.clone()).into())
- .await;
- listener
- }
- Err(err) => {
- error!("Failed to listen on {endpoint}: {err}");
- self.monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::ListenFailed(endpoint).into())
- .await;
- return Err(err.into());
- }
- };
- let resolved_endpoint = listener.local_endpoint()?;
- info!("Start listening on {endpoint}");
- let selfc = self.clone();
- self.task_group.spawn(
- ex.clone(),
- selfc.listen_loop(ex.clone(), listener, callback),
- |res| async move {
- if let TaskResult::Completed(Err(err)) = res {
- error!("Listen loop stopped: {endpoint} {err}");
- }
- },
- );
- Ok(resolved_endpoint)
- }
- /// Shuts down the listener
- pub async fn shutdown(&self) {
- self.task_group.cancel().await;
- }
- async fn listen_loop<'a, Fut>(
- self: Arc<Self>,
- ex: Executor<'a>,
- listener: Box<dyn NetListener>,
- callback: impl FnOnce(Conn) -> Fut + Clone + Send + 'a,
- ) -> Result<()>
- where
- Fut: Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send + 'a,
- {
- loop {
- // Wait for an available inbound slot.
- self.connection_slots.wait_for_slot().await;
- let result = listener.accept().await;
- let conn = match result {
- Ok(c) => {
- self.monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::Accepted(c.peer_endpoint()?).into())
- .await;
- c
- }
- Err(err) => {
- error!("Failed to accept a new connection: {err}");
- self.monitor.notify(&ConnEvent::AcceptFailed.into()).await;
- return Err(err.into());
- }
- };
- self.connection_slots.add();
- let selfc = self.clone();
- let endpoint = conn.peer_endpoint()?;
- let on_disconnect = |res| async move {
- if let TaskResult::Completed(Err(err)) = res {
- trace!("Inbound connection dropped: {err}");
- }
- selfc
- .monitor
- .notify(&ConnEvent::Disconnected(endpoint).into())
- .await;
- selfc.connection_slots.remove().await;
- };
- let callback = callback.clone();
- self.task_group
- .spawn(ex.clone(), callback(conn), on_disconnect);
- }
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/net/mod.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/net/mod.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cdc748..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/net/mod.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-mod connection_queue;
-mod connector;
-mod listener;
-mod slots;
-pub use connection_queue::ConnQueue;
-pub use connector::Connector;
-pub use listener::Listener;
-pub use slots::ConnectionSlots;
-use std::fmt;
-/// Defines the direction of a network connection.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub enum ConnDirection {
- Inbound,
- Outbound,
-impl fmt::Display for ConnDirection {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- match self {
- ConnDirection::Inbound => write!(f, "Inbound"),
- ConnDirection::Outbound => write!(f, "Outbound"),
- }
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/net/slots.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/net/slots.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f0a78..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/net/slots.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
-use karyons_core::async_utils::CondWait;
-/// Manages available inbound and outbound slots.
-pub struct ConnectionSlots {
- /// A condvar for notifying when a slot become available.
- signal: CondWait,
- /// The number of occupied slots
- slots: AtomicUsize,
- /// The maximum number of slots.
- max_slots: usize,
-impl ConnectionSlots {
- /// Creates a new ConnectionSlots
- pub fn new(max_slots: usize) -> Self {
- Self {
- signal: CondWait::new(),
- slots: AtomicUsize::new(0),
- max_slots,
- }
- }
- /// Returns the number of occupied slots
- pub fn load(&self) -> usize {
- self.slots.load(Ordering::SeqCst)
- }
- /// Increases the occupied slots by one.
- pub fn add(&self) {
- self.slots.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
- }
- /// Decreases the occupied slots by one and notifies the waiting signal
- /// to start accepting/connecting new connections.
- pub async fn remove(&self) {
- self.slots.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
- if self.slots.load(Ordering::SeqCst) < self.max_slots {
- self.signal.signal().await;
- }
- }
- /// Waits for a slot to become available.
- pub async fn wait_for_slot(&self) {
- if self.slots.load(Ordering::SeqCst) < self.max_slots {
- return;
- }
- // Wait for a signal
- self.signal.wait().await;
- self.signal.reset().await;
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/peer/mod.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/peer/mod.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ee0fdc4..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/peer/mod.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-mod peer_id;
-pub use peer_id::PeerID;
-use std::sync::Arc;
-use log::{error, trace};
-use smol::{
- channel::{self, Receiver, Sender},
- lock::RwLock,
-use karyons_core::{
- async_utils::{select, Either, TaskGroup, TaskResult},
- event::{ArcEventSys, EventListener, EventSys},
- utils::{decode, encode},
- Executor,
-use karyons_net::Endpoint;
-use crate::{
- io_codec::{CodecMsg, IOCodec},
- message::{NetMsgCmd, ProtocolMsg, ShutdownMsg},
- net::ConnDirection,
- peer_pool::{ArcPeerPool, WeakPeerPool},
- protocol::{Protocol, ProtocolEvent, ProtocolID},
- Config, Error, Result,
-pub type ArcPeer = Arc<Peer>;
-pub struct Peer {
- /// Peer's ID
- id: PeerID,
- /// A weak pointer to `PeerPool`
- peer_pool: WeakPeerPool,
- /// Holds the IOCodec for the peer connection
- io_codec: IOCodec,
- /// Remote endpoint for the peer
- remote_endpoint: Endpoint,
- /// The direction of the connection, either `Inbound` or `Outbound`
- conn_direction: ConnDirection,
- /// A list of protocol IDs
- protocol_ids: RwLock<Vec<ProtocolID>>,
- /// `EventSys` responsible for sending events to the protocols.
- protocol_events: ArcEventSys<ProtocolID>,
- /// This channel is used to send a stop signal to the read loop.
- stop_chan: (Sender<Result<()>>, Receiver<Result<()>>),
- /// Managing spawned tasks.
- task_group: TaskGroup,
-impl Peer {
- /// Creates a new peer
- pub fn new(
- peer_pool: WeakPeerPool,
- id: &PeerID,
- io_codec: IOCodec,
- remote_endpoint: Endpoint,
- conn_direction: ConnDirection,
- ) -> ArcPeer {
- Arc::new(Peer {
- id: id.clone(),
- peer_pool,
- io_codec,
- protocol_ids: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
- remote_endpoint,
- conn_direction,
- protocol_events: EventSys::new(),
- task_group: TaskGroup::new(),
- stop_chan: channel::bounded(1),
- })
- }
- /// Run the peer
- pub async fn run(self: Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()> {
- self.start_protocols(ex.clone()).await;
- self.read_loop().await
- }
- /// Send a message to the peer connection using the specified protocol.
- pub async fn send<T: CodecMsg>(&self, protocol_id: &ProtocolID, msg: &T) -> Result<()> {
- let payload = encode(msg)?;
- let proto_msg = ProtocolMsg {
- protocol_id: protocol_id.to_string(),
- payload: payload.to_vec(),
- };
- self.io_codec.write(NetMsgCmd::Protocol, &proto_msg).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Broadcast a message to all connected peers using the specified protocol.
- pub async fn broadcast<T: CodecMsg>(&self, protocol_id: &ProtocolID, msg: &T) {
- self.peer_pool().broadcast(protocol_id, msg).await;
- }
- /// Shuts down the peer
- pub async fn shutdown(&self) {
- trace!("peer {} start shutting down", self.id);
- // Send shutdown event to all protocols
- for protocol_id in self.protocol_ids.read().await.iter() {
- self.protocol_events
- .emit_by_topic(protocol_id, &ProtocolEvent::Shutdown)
- .await;
- }
- // Send a stop signal to the read loop
- //
- // No need to handle the error here; a dropped channel and
- // sending a stop signal have the same effect.
- let _ = self.stop_chan.0.try_send(Ok(()));
- // No need to handle the error here
- let _ = self
- .io_codec
- .write(NetMsgCmd::Shutdown, &ShutdownMsg(0))
- .await;
- // Force shutting down
- self.task_group.cancel().await;
- }
- /// Check if the connection is Inbound
- #[inline]
- pub fn is_inbound(&self) -> bool {
- match self.conn_direction {
- ConnDirection::Inbound => true,
- ConnDirection::Outbound => false,
- }
- }
- /// Returns the direction of the connection, which can be either `Inbound`
- /// or `Outbound`.
- #[inline]
- pub fn direction(&self) -> &ConnDirection {
- &self.conn_direction
- }
- /// Returns the remote endpoint for the peer
- #[inline]
- pub fn remote_endpoint(&self) -> &Endpoint {
- &self.remote_endpoint
- }
- /// Return the peer's ID
- #[inline]
- pub fn id(&self) -> &PeerID {
- &self.id
- }
- /// Returns the `Config` instance.
- pub fn config(&self) -> Arc<Config> {
- self.peer_pool().config.clone()
- }
- /// Registers a listener for the given Protocol `P`.
- pub async fn register_listener<P: Protocol>(&self) -> EventListener<ProtocolID, ProtocolEvent> {
- self.protocol_events.register(&P::id()).await
- }
- /// Start a read loop to handle incoming messages from the peer connection.
- async fn read_loop(&self) -> Result<()> {
- loop {
- let fut = select(self.stop_chan.1.recv(), self.io_codec.read()).await;
- let result = match fut {
- Either::Left(stop_signal) => {
- trace!("Peer {} received a stop signal", self.id);
- return stop_signal?;
- }
- Either::Right(result) => result,
- };
- let msg = result?;
- match msg.header.command {
- NetMsgCmd::Protocol => {
- let msg: ProtocolMsg = decode(&msg.payload)?.0;
- if !self.protocol_ids.read().await.contains(&msg.protocol_id) {
- return Err(Error::UnsupportedProtocol(msg.protocol_id));
- }
- let proto_id = &msg.protocol_id;
- let msg = ProtocolEvent::Message(msg.payload);
- self.protocol_events.emit_by_topic(proto_id, &msg).await;
- }
- NetMsgCmd::Shutdown => {
- return Err(Error::PeerShutdown);
- }
- command => return Err(Error::InvalidMsg(format!("Unexpected msg {:?}", command))),
- }
- }
- }
- /// Start running the protocols for this peer connection.
- async fn start_protocols(self: &Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) {
- for (protocol_id, constructor) in self.peer_pool().protocols.read().await.iter() {
- trace!("peer {} start protocol {protocol_id}", self.id);
- let protocol = constructor(self.clone());
- self.protocol_ids.write().await.push(protocol_id.clone());
- let selfc = self.clone();
- let exc = ex.clone();
- let proto_idc = protocol_id.clone();
- let on_failure = |result: TaskResult<Result<()>>| async move {
- if let TaskResult::Completed(res) = result {
- if res.is_err() {
- error!("protocol {} stopped", proto_idc);
- }
- // Send a stop signal to read loop
- let _ = selfc.stop_chan.0.try_send(res);
- }
- };
- self.task_group
- .spawn(ex.clone(), protocol.start(exc), on_failure);
- }
- }
- fn peer_pool(&self) -> ArcPeerPool {
- self.peer_pool.upgrade().unwrap()
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/peer/peer_id.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/peer/peer_id.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c8aec7d..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/peer/peer_id.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-use bincode::{Decode, Encode};
-use rand::{rngs::OsRng, RngCore};
-use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};
-/// Represents a unique identifier for a peer.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Decode, Encode)]
-pub struct PeerID(pub [u8; 32]);
-impl std::fmt::Display for PeerID {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
- let id = self.0[0..8]
- .iter()
- .map(|b| format!("{:x}", b))
- .collect::<Vec<String>>()
- .join("");
- write!(f, "{}", id)
- }
-impl PeerID {
- /// Creates a new PeerID.
- pub fn new(src: &[u8]) -> Self {
- let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
- hasher.update(src);
- Self(hasher.finalize().into())
- }
- /// Generates a random PeerID.
- pub fn random() -> Self {
- let mut id: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
- OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut id);
- Self(id)
- }
-impl From<[u8; 32]> for PeerID {
- fn from(b: [u8; 32]) -> Self {
- PeerID(b)
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/peer_pool.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/peer_pool.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index eac4d3d..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/peer_pool.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-use std::{
- collections::HashMap,
- sync::{Arc, Weak},
- time::Duration,
-use log::{error, info, trace, warn};
-use smol::{
- channel::Sender,
- lock::{Mutex, RwLock},
-use karyons_core::{
- async_utils::{TaskGroup, TaskResult},
- utils::decode,
- Executor,
-use karyons_net::Conn;
-use crate::{
- config::Config,
- io_codec::{CodecMsg, IOCodec},
- message::{get_msg_payload, NetMsg, NetMsgCmd, VerAckMsg, VerMsg},
- monitor::{Monitor, PeerPoolEvent},
- net::ConnDirection,
- net::ConnQueue,
- peer::{ArcPeer, Peer, PeerID},
- protocol::{Protocol, ProtocolConstructor, ProtocolID},
- protocols::PingProtocol,
- utils::{version_match, Version, VersionInt},
- Error, Result,
-pub type ArcPeerPool = Arc<PeerPool>;
-pub type WeakPeerPool = Weak<PeerPool>;
-pub struct PeerPool {
- /// Peer's ID
- pub id: PeerID,
- /// Connection queue
- conn_queue: Arc<ConnQueue>,
- /// Holds the running peers.
- peers: Mutex<HashMap<PeerID, ArcPeer>>,
- /// Hashmap contains protocol constructors.
- pub(crate) protocols: RwLock<HashMap<ProtocolID, Box<ProtocolConstructor>>>,
- /// Hashmap contains protocol IDs and their versions.
- protocol_versions: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<ProtocolID, Version>>>,
- /// Managing spawned tasks.
- task_group: TaskGroup,
- /// The Configuration for the P2P network.
- pub config: Arc<Config>,
- /// Responsible for network and system monitoring.
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
-impl PeerPool {
- /// Creates a new PeerPool
- pub fn new(
- id: &PeerID,
- conn_queue: Arc<ConnQueue>,
- config: Arc<Config>,
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
- ) -> Arc<Self> {
- let protocols = RwLock::new(HashMap::new());
- let protocol_versions = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new()));
- Arc::new(Self {
- id: id.clone(),
- conn_queue,
- peers: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
- protocols,
- protocol_versions,
- task_group: TaskGroup::new(),
- monitor,
- config,
- })
- }
- /// Start
- pub async fn start(self: &Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()> {
- self.setup_protocols().await?;
- let selfc = self.clone();
- self.task_group
- .spawn(ex.clone(), selfc.listen_loop(ex.clone()), |_| async {});
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Listens to a new connection from the connection queue
- pub async fn listen_loop(self: Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) {
- loop {
- let new_conn = self.conn_queue.next().await;
- let disconnect_signal = new_conn.disconnect_signal;
- let result = self
- .new_peer(
- new_conn.conn,
- &new_conn.direction,
- disconnect_signal.clone(),
- ex.clone(),
- )
- .await;
- if result.is_err() {
- let _ = disconnect_signal.send(()).await;
- }
- }
- }
- /// Shuts down
- pub async fn shutdown(&self) {
- for (_, peer) in self.peers.lock().await.iter() {
- peer.shutdown().await;
- }
- self.task_group.cancel().await;
- }
- /// Attach a custom protocol to the network
- pub async fn attach_protocol<P: Protocol>(&self, c: Box<ProtocolConstructor>) -> Result<()> {
- let protocol_versions = &mut self.protocol_versions.write().await;
- let protocols = &mut self.protocols.write().await;
- protocol_versions.insert(P::id(), P::version()?);
- protocols.insert(P::id(), Box::new(c) as Box<ProtocolConstructor>);
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Returns the number of currently connected peers.
- pub async fn peers_len(&self) -> usize {
- self.peers.lock().await.len()
- }
- /// Broadcast a message to all connected peers using the specified protocol.
- pub async fn broadcast<T: CodecMsg>(&self, proto_id: &ProtocolID, msg: &T) {
- for (pid, peer) in self.peers.lock().await.iter() {
- if let Err(err) = peer.send(proto_id, msg).await {
- error!("failed to send msg to {pid}: {err}");
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- /// Add a new peer to the peer list.
- pub async fn new_peer(
- self: &Arc<Self>,
- conn: Conn,
- conn_direction: &ConnDirection,
- disconnect_signal: Sender<()>,
- ex: Executor<'_>,
- ) -> Result<PeerID> {
- let endpoint = conn.peer_endpoint()?;
- let io_codec = IOCodec::new(conn);
- // Do a handshake with a connection before creating a new peer.
- let pid = self.do_handshake(&io_codec, conn_direction).await?;
- // TODO: Consider restricting the subnet for inbound connections
- if self.contains_peer(&pid).await {
- return Err(Error::PeerAlreadyConnected);
- }
- // Create a new peer
- let peer = Peer::new(
- Arc::downgrade(self),
- &pid,
- io_codec,
- endpoint.clone(),
- conn_direction.clone(),
- );
- // Insert the new peer
- self.peers.lock().await.insert(pid.clone(), peer.clone());
- let selfc = self.clone();
- let pid_c = pid.clone();
- let on_disconnect = |result| async move {
- if let TaskResult::Completed(_) = result {
- if let Err(err) = selfc.remove_peer(&pid_c).await {
- error!("Failed to remove peer {pid_c}: {err}");
- }
- let _ = disconnect_signal.send(()).await;
- }
- };
- self.task_group
- .spawn(ex.clone(), peer.run(ex.clone()), on_disconnect);
- info!("Add new peer {pid}, direction: {conn_direction}, endpoint: {endpoint}");
- self.monitor
- .notify(&PeerPoolEvent::NewPeer(pid.clone()).into())
- .await;
- Ok(pid)
- }
- /// Checks if the peer list contains a peer with the given peer id
- pub async fn contains_peer(&self, pid: &PeerID) -> bool {
- self.peers.lock().await.contains_key(pid)
- }
- /// Shuts down the peer and remove it from the peer list.
- async fn remove_peer(&self, pid: &PeerID) -> Result<()> {
- let mut peers = self.peers.lock().await;
- let result = peers.remove(pid);
- drop(peers);
- let peer = match result {
- Some(p) => p,
- None => return Ok(()),
- };
- peer.shutdown().await;
- self.monitor
- .notify(&PeerPoolEvent::RemovePeer(pid.clone()).into())
- .await;
- let endpoint = peer.remote_endpoint();
- let direction = peer.direction();
- warn!("Peer {pid} removed, direction: {direction}, endpoint: {endpoint}",);
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Attach the core protocols.
- async fn setup_protocols(&self) -> Result<()> {
- self.attach_protocol::<PingProtocol>(Box::new(PingProtocol::new))
- .await
- }
- /// Initiate a handshake with a connection.
- async fn do_handshake(
- &self,
- io_codec: &IOCodec,
- conn_direction: &ConnDirection,
- ) -> Result<PeerID> {
- match conn_direction {
- ConnDirection::Inbound => {
- let pid = self.wait_vermsg(io_codec).await?;
- self.send_verack(io_codec).await?;
- Ok(pid)
- }
- ConnDirection::Outbound => {
- self.send_vermsg(io_codec).await?;
- self.wait_verack(io_codec).await
- }
- }
- }
- /// Send a Version message
- async fn send_vermsg(&self, io_codec: &IOCodec) -> Result<()> {
- let pids = self.protocol_versions.read().await;
- let protocols = pids.iter().map(|p| (p.0.clone(), p.1.v.clone())).collect();
- drop(pids);
- let vermsg = VerMsg {
- peer_id: self.id.clone(),
- protocols,
- version: self.config.version.v.clone(),
- };
- trace!("Send VerMsg");
- io_codec.write(NetMsgCmd::Version, &vermsg).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Wait for a Version message
- ///
- /// Returns the peer's ID upon successfully receiving the Version message.
- async fn wait_vermsg(&self, io_codec: &IOCodec) -> Result<PeerID> {
- let timeout = Duration::from_secs(self.config.handshake_timeout);
- let msg: NetMsg = io_codec.read_timeout(timeout).await?;
- let payload = get_msg_payload!(Version, msg);
- let (vermsg, _) = decode::<VerMsg>(&payload)?;
- if !version_match(&self.config.version.req, &vermsg.version) {
- return Err(Error::IncompatibleVersion("system: {}".into()));
- }
- self.protocols_match(&vermsg.protocols).await?;
- trace!("Received VerMsg from: {}", vermsg.peer_id);
- Ok(vermsg.peer_id)
- }
- /// Send a Verack message
- async fn send_verack(&self, io_codec: &IOCodec) -> Result<()> {
- let verack = VerAckMsg(self.id.clone());
- trace!("Send VerAckMsg");
- io_codec.write(NetMsgCmd::Verack, &verack).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Wait for a Verack message
- ///
- /// Returns the peer's ID upon successfully receiving the Verack message.
- async fn wait_verack(&self, io_codec: &IOCodec) -> Result<PeerID> {
- let timeout = Duration::from_secs(self.config.handshake_timeout);
- let msg: NetMsg = io_codec.read_timeout(timeout).await?;
- let payload = get_msg_payload!(Verack, msg);
- let (verack, _) = decode::<VerAckMsg>(&payload)?;
- trace!("Received VerAckMsg from: {}", verack.0);
- Ok(verack.0)
- }
- /// Check if the new connection has compatible protocols.
- async fn protocols_match(&self, protocols: &HashMap<ProtocolID, VersionInt>) -> Result<()> {
- for (n, pv) in protocols.iter() {
- let pids = self.protocol_versions.read().await;
- match pids.get(n) {
- Some(v) => {
- if !version_match(&v.req, pv) {
- return Err(Error::IncompatibleVersion(format!("{n} protocol: {pv}")));
- }
- }
- None => {
- return Err(Error::UnsupportedProtocol(n.to_string()));
- }
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
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-use std::sync::Arc;
-use async_trait::async_trait;
-use karyons_core::{event::EventValue, Executor};
-use crate::{peer::ArcPeer, utils::Version, Result};
-pub type ArcProtocol = Arc<dyn Protocol>;
-pub type ProtocolConstructor = dyn Fn(ArcPeer) -> Arc<dyn Protocol> + Send + Sync;
-pub type ProtocolID = String;
-/// Protocol event
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum ProtocolEvent {
- /// Message event, contains a vector of bytes.
- Message(Vec<u8>),
- /// Shutdown event signals the protocol to gracefully shut down.
- Shutdown,
-impl EventValue for ProtocolEvent {
- fn id() -> &'static str {
- "ProtocolEvent"
- }
-/// The Protocol trait defines the interface for core protocols
-/// and custom protocols.
-/// # Example
-/// ```
-/// use std::sync::Arc;
-/// use async_trait::async_trait;
-/// use smol::Executor;
-/// use karyons_p2p::{
-/// protocol::{ArcProtocol, Protocol, ProtocolID, ProtocolEvent},
-/// Backend, PeerID, Config, Version, P2pError, ArcPeer};
-/// pub struct NewProtocol {
-/// peer: ArcPeer,
-/// }
-/// impl NewProtocol {
-/// fn new(peer: ArcPeer) -> ArcProtocol {
-/// Arc::new(Self {
-/// peer,
-/// })
-/// }
-/// }
-/// #[async_trait]
-/// impl Protocol for NewProtocol {
-/// async fn start(self: Arc<Self>, ex: Arc<Executor<'_>>) -> Result<(), P2pError> {
-/// let listener = self.peer.register_listener::<Self>().await;
-/// loop {
-/// let event = listener.recv().await.unwrap();
-/// match event {
-/// ProtocolEvent::Message(msg) => {
-/// println!("{:?}", msg);
-/// }
-/// ProtocolEvent::Shutdown => {
-/// break;
-/// }
-/// }
-/// }
-/// listener.cancel().await;
-/// Ok(())
-/// }
-/// fn version() -> Result<Version, P2pError> {
-/// "0.2.0, >0.1.0".parse()
-/// }
-/// fn id() -> ProtocolID {
-/// "NEWPROTOCOLID".into()
-/// }
-/// }
-/// async {
-/// let peer_id = PeerID::random();
-/// let config = Config::default();
-/// // Create a new Backend
-/// let backend = Backend::new(peer_id, config);
-/// // Attach the NewProtocol
-/// let c = move |peer| NewProtocol::new(peer);
-/// backend.attach_protocol::<NewProtocol>(c).await.unwrap();
-/// };
-/// ```
-pub trait Protocol: Send + Sync {
- /// Start the protocol
- async fn start(self: Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()>;
- /// Returns the version of the protocol.
- fn version() -> Result<Version>
- where
- Self: Sized;
- /// Returns the unique ProtocolID associated with the protocol.
- fn id() -> ProtocolID
- where
- Self: Sized;
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-mod ping;
-pub use ping::PingProtocol;
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/protocols/ping.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/protocols/ping.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index b337494..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/protocols/ping.rs
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@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration};
-use async_trait::async_trait;
-use bincode::{Decode, Encode};
-use log::trace;
-use rand::{rngs::OsRng, RngCore};
-use smol::{
- channel,
- channel::{Receiver, Sender},
- stream::StreamExt,
- Timer,
-use karyons_core::{
- async_utils::{select, timeout, Either, TaskGroup, TaskResult},
- event::EventListener,
- utils::decode,
- Executor,
-use karyons_net::NetError;
-use crate::{
- peer::ArcPeer,
- protocol::{ArcProtocol, Protocol, ProtocolEvent, ProtocolID},
- utils::Version,
- Result,
-const MAX_FAILUERS: u32 = 3;
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
-enum PingProtocolMsg {
- Ping([u8; 32]),
- Pong([u8; 32]),
-pub struct PingProtocol {
- peer: ArcPeer,
- ping_interval: u64,
- ping_timeout: u64,
- task_group: TaskGroup,
-impl PingProtocol {
- #[allow(clippy::new_ret_no_self)]
- pub fn new(peer: ArcPeer) -> ArcProtocol {
- let ping_interval = peer.config().ping_interval;
- let ping_timeout = peer.config().ping_timeout;
- Arc::new(Self {
- peer,
- ping_interval,
- ping_timeout,
- task_group: TaskGroup::new(),
- })
- }
- async fn recv_loop(
- &self,
- listener: &EventListener<ProtocolID, ProtocolEvent>,
- pong_chan: Sender<[u8; 32]>,
- ) -> Result<()> {
- loop {
- let event = listener.recv().await?;
- let msg_payload = match event.clone() {
- ProtocolEvent::Message(m) => m,
- ProtocolEvent::Shutdown => {
- break;
- }
- };
- let (msg, _) = decode::<PingProtocolMsg>(&msg_payload)?;
- match msg {
- PingProtocolMsg::Ping(nonce) => {
- trace!("Received Ping message {:?}", nonce);
- self.peer
- .send(&Self::id(), &PingProtocolMsg::Pong(nonce))
- .await?;
- trace!("Send back Pong message {:?}", nonce);
- }
- PingProtocolMsg::Pong(nonce) => {
- pong_chan.send(nonce).await?;
- }
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- async fn ping_loop(self: Arc<Self>, chan: Receiver<[u8; 32]>) -> Result<()> {
- let mut timer = Timer::interval(Duration::from_secs(self.ping_interval));
- let rng = &mut OsRng;
- let mut retry = 0;
- while retry < MAX_FAILUERS {
- timer.next().await;
- let mut ping_nonce: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
- rng.fill_bytes(&mut ping_nonce);
- trace!("Send Ping message {:?}", ping_nonce);
- self.peer
- .send(&Self::id(), &PingProtocolMsg::Ping(ping_nonce))
- .await?;
- let d = Duration::from_secs(self.ping_timeout);
- // Wait for Pong message
- let pong_msg = match timeout(d, chan.recv()).await {
- Ok(m) => m?,
- Err(_) => {
- retry += 1;
- continue;
- }
- };
- trace!("Received Pong message {:?}", pong_msg);
- if pong_msg != ping_nonce {
- retry += 1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- Err(NetError::Timeout.into())
- }
-impl Protocol for PingProtocol {
- async fn start(self: Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()> {
- trace!("Start Ping protocol");
- let (pong_chan, pong_chan_recv) = channel::bounded(1);
- let (stop_signal_s, stop_signal) = channel::bounded::<Result<()>>(1);
- let selfc = self.clone();
- self.task_group.spawn(
- ex.clone(),
- selfc.clone().ping_loop(pong_chan_recv.clone()),
- |res| async move {
- if let TaskResult::Completed(result) = res {
- let _ = stop_signal_s.send(result).await;
- }
- },
- );
- let listener = self.peer.register_listener::<Self>().await;
- let result = select(self.recv_loop(&listener, pong_chan), stop_signal.recv()).await;
- listener.cancel().await;
- self.task_group.cancel().await;
- match result {
- Either::Left(res) => {
- trace!("Receive loop stopped {:?}", res);
- res
- }
- Either::Right(res) => {
- let res = res?;
- trace!("Ping loop stopped {:?}", res);
- res
- }
- }
- }
- fn version() -> Result<Version> {
- "0.1.0".parse()
- }
- fn id() -> ProtocolID {
- "PING".into()
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/routing_table/bucket.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/routing_table/bucket.rs
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-use super::{Entry, Key};
-use rand::{rngs::OsRng, seq::SliceRandom};
-/// BITFLAGS represent the status of an Entry within a bucket.
-pub type EntryStatusFlag = u16;
-/// The entry is connected.
-pub const CONNECTED_ENTRY: EntryStatusFlag = 0b00001;
-/// The entry is disconnected. This will increase the failure counter.
-pub const DISCONNECTED_ENTRY: EntryStatusFlag = 0b00010;
-/// The entry is ready to reconnect, meaning it has either been added and
-/// has no connection attempts, or it has been refreshed.
-pub const PENDING_ENTRY: EntryStatusFlag = 0b00100;
-/// The entry is unreachable. This will increase the failure counter.
-pub const UNREACHABLE_ENTRY: EntryStatusFlag = 0b01000;
-/// The entry is unstable. This will increase the failure counter.
-pub const UNSTABLE_ENTRY: EntryStatusFlag = 0b10000;
-pub const ALL_ENTRY: EntryStatusFlag = 0b11111;
-/// A BucketEntry represents a peer in the routing table.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct BucketEntry {
- pub status: EntryStatusFlag,
- pub entry: Entry,
- pub failures: u32,
- pub last_seen: i64,
-impl BucketEntry {
- pub fn is_connected(&self) -> bool {
- self.status ^ CONNECTED_ENTRY == 0
- }
- pub fn is_unreachable(&self) -> bool {
- self.status ^ UNREACHABLE_ENTRY == 0
- }
- pub fn is_unstable(&self) -> bool {
- self.status ^ UNSTABLE_ENTRY == 0
- }
-/// The number of entries that can be stored within a single bucket.
-pub const BUCKET_SIZE: usize = 20;
-/// A Bucket represents a group of entries in the routing table.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct Bucket {
- entries: Vec<BucketEntry>,
-impl Bucket {
- /// Creates a new empty Bucket
- pub fn new() -> Self {
- Self {
- entries: Vec::with_capacity(BUCKET_SIZE),
- }
- }
- /// Add an entry to the bucket.
- pub fn add(&mut self, entry: &Entry) {
- self.entries.push(BucketEntry {
- status: PENDING_ENTRY,
- entry: entry.clone(),
- failures: 0,
- last_seen: chrono::Utc::now().timestamp(),
- })
- }
- /// Get the number of entries in the bucket.
- pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
- self.entries.len()
- }
- /// Returns an iterator over the entries in the bucket.
- pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &BucketEntry> {
- self.entries.iter()
- }
- /// Remove an entry.
- pub fn remove(&mut self, key: &Key) {
- let position = self.entries.iter().position(|e| &e.entry.key == key);
- if let Some(i) = position {
- self.entries.remove(i);
- }
- }
- /// Returns an iterator of entries in random order.
- pub fn random_iter(&self, amount: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = &BucketEntry> {
- self.entries.choose_multiple(&mut OsRng, amount)
- }
- /// Updates the status of an entry in the bucket identified by the given key.
- ///
- /// If the key is not found in the bucket, no action is taken.
- ///
- /// This will also update the last_seen field and increase the failures
- /// counter for the bucket entry according to the new status.
- pub fn update_entry(&mut self, key: &Key, entry_flag: EntryStatusFlag) {
- if let Some(e) = self.entries.iter_mut().find(|e| &e.entry.key == key) {
- e.status = entry_flag;
- if e.is_unreachable() || e.is_unstable() {
- e.failures += 1;
- }
- if !e.is_unreachable() {
- e.last_seen = chrono::Utc::now().timestamp();
- }
- }
- }
- /// Check if the bucket contains the given key.
- pub fn contains_key(&self, key: &Key) -> bool {
- self.entries.iter().any(|e| &e.entry.key == key)
- }
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-use bincode::{Decode, Encode};
-use karyons_net::{Addr, Port};
-/// Specifies the size of the key, in bytes.
-pub const KEY_SIZE: usize = 32;
-/// An Entry represents a peer in the routing table.
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct Entry {
- /// The unique key identifying the peer.
- pub key: Key,
- /// The IP address of the peer.
- pub addr: Addr,
- /// TCP port
- pub port: Port,
- /// UDP/TCP port
- pub discovery_port: Port,
-impl PartialEq for Entry {
- fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
- // XXX this should also compare both addresses (the self.addr == other.addr)
- self.key == other.key
- }
-/// The unique key identifying the peer.
-pub type Key = [u8; KEY_SIZE];
-/// Calculates the XOR distance between two provided keys.
-/// The XOR distance is a metric used in Kademlia to measure the closeness
-/// of keys.
-pub fn xor_distance(key: &Key, other: &Key) -> Key {
- let mut res = [0; 32];
- for (i, (k, o)) in key.iter().zip(other.iter()).enumerate() {
- res[i] = k ^ o;
- }
- res
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-mod bucket;
-mod entry;
-pub use bucket::{
-pub use entry::{xor_distance, Entry, Key};
-use rand::{rngs::OsRng, seq::SliceRandom};
-use crate::utils::subnet_match;
-use bucket::BUCKET_SIZE;
-use entry::KEY_SIZE;
-/// The total number of buckets in the routing table.
-const TABLE_SIZE: usize = 32;
-/// The distance limit for the closest buckets.
-const DISTANCE_LIMIT: usize = 32;
-/// The maximum number of matched subnets allowed within a single bucket.
-/// The maximum number of matched subnets across the entire routing table.
-const MAX_MATCHED_SUBNET_IN_TABLE: usize = 6;
-/// Represents the possible result when adding a new entry.
-pub enum AddEntryResult {
- /// The entry is added.
- Added,
- /// The entry is already exists.
- Exists,
- /// The entry is ignored.
- Ignored,
- /// The entry is restricted and not allowed.
- Restricted,
-/// This is a modified version of the Kademlia Distributed Hash Table (DHT).
-/// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kademlia
-pub struct RoutingTable {
- key: Key,
- buckets: Vec<Bucket>,
-impl RoutingTable {
- /// Creates a new RoutingTable
- pub fn new(key: Key) -> Self {
- let buckets: Vec<Bucket> = (0..TABLE_SIZE).map(|_| Bucket::new()).collect();
- Self { key, buckets }
- }
- /// Adds a new entry to the table and returns a result indicating success,
- /// failure, or restrictions.
- pub fn add_entry(&mut self, entry: Entry) -> AddEntryResult {
- // Determine the index of the bucket where the entry should be placed.
- let bucket_idx = match self.bucket_index(&entry.key) {
- Some(i) => i,
- None => return AddEntryResult::Ignored,
- };
- let bucket = &self.buckets[bucket_idx];
- // Check if the entry already exists in the bucket.
- if bucket.contains_key(&entry.key) {
- return AddEntryResult::Exists;
- }
- // Check if the entry is restricted.
- if self.subnet_restricted(bucket_idx, &entry) {
- return AddEntryResult::Restricted;
- }
- let bucket = &mut self.buckets[bucket_idx];
- // If the bucket has free space, add the entry and return success.
- if bucket.len() < BUCKET_SIZE {
- bucket.add(&entry);
- return AddEntryResult::Added;
- }
- // If the bucket is full, the entry is ignored.
- AddEntryResult::Ignored
- }
- /// Check if the table contains the given key.
- pub fn contains_key(&self, key: &Key) -> bool {
- // Determine the bucket index for the given key.
- let bucket_idx = match self.bucket_index(key) {
- Some(bi) => bi,
- None => return false,
- };
- let bucket = &self.buckets[bucket_idx];
- bucket.contains_key(key)
- }
- /// Updates the status of an entry in the routing table identified
- /// by the given key.
- ///
- /// If the key is not found, no action is taken.
- pub fn update_entry(&mut self, key: &Key, entry_flag: EntryStatusFlag) {
- // Determine the bucket index for the given key.
- let bucket_idx = match self.bucket_index(key) {
- Some(bi) => bi,
- None => return,
- };
- let bucket = &mut self.buckets[bucket_idx];
- bucket.update_entry(key, entry_flag);
- }
- /// Returns a list of bucket indexes that are closest to the given target key.
- pub fn bucket_indexes(&self, target_key: &Key) -> Vec<usize> {
- let mut indexes = vec![];
- // Determine the primary bucket index for the target key.
- let bucket_idx = self.bucket_index(target_key).unwrap_or(0);
- indexes.push(bucket_idx);
- // Add additional bucket indexes within a certain distance limit.
- for i in 1..DISTANCE_LIMIT {
- if bucket_idx >= i && bucket_idx - i >= 1 {
- indexes.push(bucket_idx - i);
- }
- if bucket_idx + i < (TABLE_SIZE - 1) {
- indexes.push(bucket_idx + i);
- }
- }
- indexes
- }
- /// Returns a list of the closest entries to the given target key, limited by max_entries.
- pub fn closest_entries(&self, target_key: &Key, max_entries: usize) -> Vec<Entry> {
- let mut entries: Vec<Entry> = vec![];
- // Collect entries
- 'outer: for idx in self.bucket_indexes(target_key) {
- let bucket = &self.buckets[idx];
- for bucket_entry in bucket.iter() {
- if bucket_entry.is_unreachable() || bucket_entry.is_unstable() {
- continue;
- }
- entries.push(bucket_entry.entry.clone());
- if entries.len() == max_entries {
- break 'outer;
- }
- }
- }
- // Sort the entries by their distance to the target key.
- entries.sort_by(|a, b| {
- xor_distance(target_key, &a.key).cmp(&xor_distance(target_key, &b.key))
- });
- entries
- }
- /// Removes an entry with the given key from the routing table, if it exists.
- pub fn remove_entry(&mut self, key: &Key) {
- // Determine the bucket index for the given key.
- let bucket_idx = match self.bucket_index(key) {
- Some(bi) => bi,
- None => return,
- };
- let bucket = &mut self.buckets[bucket_idx];
- bucket.remove(key);
- }
- /// Returns an iterator of entries.
- pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Bucket> {
- self.buckets.iter()
- }
- /// Returns a random entry from the routing table.
- pub fn random_entry(&self, entry_flag: EntryStatusFlag) -> Option<&Entry> {
- for bucket in self.buckets.choose_multiple(&mut OsRng, self.buckets.len()) {
- for entry in bucket.random_iter(bucket.len()) {
- if entry.status & entry_flag == 0 {
- continue;
- }
- return Some(&entry.entry);
- }
- }
- None
- }
- // Returns the bucket index for a given key in the table.
- fn bucket_index(&self, key: &Key) -> Option<usize> {
- // Calculate the XOR distance between the self key and the provided key.
- let distance = xor_distance(&self.key, key);
- for (i, b) in distance.iter().enumerate() {
- if *b != 0 {
- let lz = i * 8 + b.leading_zeros() as usize;
- let bits = KEY_SIZE * 8 - 1;
- let idx = (bits - lz) / 8;
- return Some(idx);
- }
- }
- None
- }
- /// This function iterate through the routing table and counts how many
- /// entries in the same subnet as the given Entry are already present.
- ///
- /// If the number of matching entries in the same bucket exceeds a
- /// threshold (MAX_MATCHED_SUBNET_IN_BUCKET), or if the total count of
- /// matching entries in the entire table exceeds a threshold
- /// (MAX_MATCHED_SUBNET_IN_TABLE), the addition of the Entry
- /// is considered restricted and returns true.
- fn subnet_restricted(&self, idx: usize, entry: &Entry) -> bool {
- let mut bucket_count = 0;
- let mut table_count = 0;
- // Iterate through the routing table's buckets and entries to check
- // for subnet matches.
- for (i, bucket) in self.buckets.iter().enumerate() {
- for e in bucket.iter() {
- // If there is a subnet match, update the counts.
- let matched = subnet_match(&e.entry.addr, &entry.addr);
- if matched {
- if i == idx {
- bucket_count += 1;
- }
- table_count += 1;
- }
- // If the number of matched entries in the same bucket exceeds
- // the limit, return true
- if bucket_count >= MAX_MATCHED_SUBNET_IN_BUCKET {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // If the total matched entries in the table exceed the limit,
- // return true.
- if table_count >= MAX_MATCHED_SUBNET_IN_TABLE {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // If no subnet restrictions are encountered, return false.
- false
- }
-mod tests {
- use super::bucket::ALL_ENTRY;
- use super::*;
- use karyons_net::Addr;
- struct Setup {
- local_key: Key,
- keys: Vec<Key>,
- }
- fn new_entry(key: &Key, addr: &Addr, port: u16, discovery_port: u16) -> Entry {
- Entry {
- key: key.clone(),
- addr: addr.clone(),
- port,
- discovery_port,
- }
- }
- impl Setup {
- fn new() -> Self {
- let keys = vec![
- [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
- ],
- [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2,
- ],
- [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3,
- ],
- [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 1, 18, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4,
- ],
- [
- 223, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5,
- ],
- [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 1, 18, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6,
- ],
- [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 50, 1, 18, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7,
- ],
- [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 50, 1, 18, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8,
- ],
- [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 50, 1, 18, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9,
- ],
- ];
- Self {
- local_key: [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- ],
- keys,
- }
- }
- fn entries(&self) -> Vec<Entry> {
- let mut entries = vec![];
- for (i, key) in self.keys.iter().enumerate() {
- entries.push(new_entry(
- key,
- &Addr::Ip(format!("127.0.{i}.1").parse().unwrap()),
- 3000,
- 3010,
- ));
- }
- entries
- }
- fn table(&self) -> RoutingTable {
- let mut table = RoutingTable::new(self.local_key.clone());
- for entry in self.entries() {
- let res = table.add_entry(entry);
- assert!(matches!(res, AddEntryResult::Added));
- }
- table
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_bucket_index() {
- let setup = Setup::new();
- let table = setup.table();
- assert_eq!(table.bucket_index(&setup.local_key), None);
- assert_eq!(table.bucket_index(&setup.keys[0]), Some(0));
- assert_eq!(table.bucket_index(&setup.keys[1]), Some(5));
- assert_eq!(table.bucket_index(&setup.keys[2]), Some(26));
- assert_eq!(table.bucket_index(&setup.keys[3]), Some(11));
- assert_eq!(table.bucket_index(&setup.keys[4]), Some(31));
- assert_eq!(table.bucket_index(&setup.keys[5]), Some(11));
- assert_eq!(table.bucket_index(&setup.keys[6]), Some(12));
- assert_eq!(table.bucket_index(&setup.keys[7]), Some(13));
- assert_eq!(table.bucket_index(&setup.keys[8]), Some(14));
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_closest_entries() {
- let setup = Setup::new();
- let table = setup.table();
- let entries = setup.entries();
- assert_eq!(
- table.closest_entries(&setup.keys[5], 8),
- vec![
- entries[5].clone(),
- entries[3].clone(),
- entries[1].clone(),
- entries[6].clone(),
- entries[7].clone(),
- entries[8].clone(),
- entries[2].clone(),
- ]
- );
- assert_eq!(
- table.closest_entries(&setup.keys[4], 2),
- vec![entries[4].clone(), entries[2].clone()]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_random_entry() {
- let setup = Setup::new();
- let mut table = setup.table();
- let entries = setup.entries();
- let entry = table.random_entry(ALL_ENTRY);
- assert!(matches!(entry, Some(&_)));
- let entry = table.random_entry(CONNECTED_ENTRY);
- assert!(matches!(entry, None));
- for entry in entries {
- table.remove_entry(&entry.key);
- }
- let entry = table.random_entry(ALL_ENTRY);
- assert!(matches!(entry, None));
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_add_entries() {
- let setup = Setup::new();
- let mut table = setup.table();
- let key = [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 5,
- ];
- let key2 = [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 5,
- ];
- let entry1 = new_entry(&key, &Addr::Ip("".parse().unwrap()), 3000, 3010);
- assert!(matches!(
- table.add_entry(entry1.clone()),
- AddEntryResult::Added
- ));
- assert!(matches!(table.add_entry(entry1), AddEntryResult::Exists));
- let entry2 = new_entry(&key2, &Addr::Ip("".parse().unwrap()), 3000, 3010);
- assert!(matches!(
- table.add_entry(entry2),
- AddEntryResult::Restricted
- ));
- let mut key: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
- for i in 0..BUCKET_SIZE {
- key[i] += 1;
- let entry = new_entry(
- &key,
- &Addr::Ip(format!("127.0.{i}.1").parse().unwrap()),
- 3000,
- 3010,
- );
- table.add_entry(entry);
- }
- key[BUCKET_SIZE] += 1;
- let entry = new_entry(&key, &Addr::Ip("".parse().unwrap()), 3000, 3010);
- assert!(matches!(table.add_entry(entry), AddEntryResult::Ignored));
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/utils/mod.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/utils/mod.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index e8ff9d0..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/utils/mod.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-mod version;
-pub use version::{version_match, Version, VersionInt};
-use std::net::IpAddr;
-use karyons_net::Addr;
-/// Check if two addresses belong to the same subnet.
-pub fn subnet_match(addr: &Addr, other_addr: &Addr) -> bool {
- match (addr, other_addr) {
- (Addr::Ip(IpAddr::V4(ip)), Addr::Ip(IpAddr::V4(other_ip))) => {
- // XXX Consider moving this to a different location
- if other_ip.is_loopback() && ip.is_loopback() {
- return false;
- }
- ip.octets()[0..3] == other_ip.octets()[0..3]
- }
- _ => false,
- }
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/utils/version.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/utils/version.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4986495..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/utils/version.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-use std::str::FromStr;
-use bincode::{Decode, Encode};
-use semver::VersionReq;
-use crate::{Error, Result};
-/// Represents the network version and protocol version used in Karyons p2p.
-/// # Example
-/// ```
-/// use karyons_p2p::Version;
-/// let version: Version = "0.2.0, >0.1.0".parse().unwrap();
-/// let version: Version = "0.2.0".parse().unwrap();
-/// ```
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct Version {
- pub v: VersionInt,
- pub req: VersionReq,
-impl Version {
- /// Creates a new Version
- pub fn new(v: VersionInt, req: VersionReq) -> Self {
- Self { v, req }
- }
-#[derive(Debug, Decode, Encode, Clone)]
-pub struct VersionInt {
- major: u64,
- minor: u64,
- patch: u64,
-impl FromStr for Version {
- type Err = Error;
- fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self> {
- let v: Vec<&str> = s.split(", ").collect();
- if v.is_empty() || v.len() > 2 {
- return Err(Error::ParseError(format!("Invalid version{s}")));
- }
- let version: VersionInt = v[0].parse()?;
- let req: VersionReq = if v.len() > 1 { v[1] } else { v[0] }.parse()?;
- Ok(Self { v: version, req })
- }
-impl FromStr for VersionInt {
- type Err = Error;
- fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self> {
- let v: Vec<&str> = s.split('.').collect();
- if v.len() < 2 || v.len() > 3 {
- return Err(Error::ParseError(format!("Invalid version{s}")));
- }
- let major = v[0].parse::<u64>()?;
- let minor = v[1].parse::<u64>()?;
- let patch = v.get(2).unwrap_or(&"0").parse::<u64>()?;
- Ok(Self {
- major,
- minor,
- patch,
- })
- }
-impl std::fmt::Display for VersionInt {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
- write!(f, "{}.{}.{}", self.major, self.minor, self.patch)
- }
-impl From<VersionInt> for semver::Version {
- fn from(v: VersionInt) -> Self {
- semver::Version::new(v.major, v.minor, v.patch)
- }
-/// Check if a version satisfies a version request.
-pub fn version_match(version_req: &VersionReq, version: &VersionInt) -> bool {
- let version: semver::Version = version.clone().into();
- version_req.matches(&version)