path: root/p2p/src/peer/mod.rs
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1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/p2p/src/peer/mod.rs b/p2p/src/peer/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee0fdc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/p2p/src/peer/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+mod peer_id;
+pub use peer_id::PeerID;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use log::{error, trace};
+use smol::{
+ channel::{self, Receiver, Sender},
+ lock::RwLock,
+use karyons_core::{
+ async_utils::{select, Either, TaskGroup, TaskResult},
+ event::{ArcEventSys, EventListener, EventSys},
+ utils::{decode, encode},
+ Executor,
+use karyons_net::Endpoint;
+use crate::{
+ io_codec::{CodecMsg, IOCodec},
+ message::{NetMsgCmd, ProtocolMsg, ShutdownMsg},
+ net::ConnDirection,
+ peer_pool::{ArcPeerPool, WeakPeerPool},
+ protocol::{Protocol, ProtocolEvent, ProtocolID},
+ Config, Error, Result,
+pub type ArcPeer = Arc<Peer>;
+pub struct Peer {
+ /// Peer's ID
+ id: PeerID,
+ /// A weak pointer to `PeerPool`
+ peer_pool: WeakPeerPool,
+ /// Holds the IOCodec for the peer connection
+ io_codec: IOCodec,
+ /// Remote endpoint for the peer
+ remote_endpoint: Endpoint,
+ /// The direction of the connection, either `Inbound` or `Outbound`
+ conn_direction: ConnDirection,
+ /// A list of protocol IDs
+ protocol_ids: RwLock<Vec<ProtocolID>>,
+ /// `EventSys` responsible for sending events to the protocols.
+ protocol_events: ArcEventSys<ProtocolID>,
+ /// This channel is used to send a stop signal to the read loop.
+ stop_chan: (Sender<Result<()>>, Receiver<Result<()>>),
+ /// Managing spawned tasks.
+ task_group: TaskGroup,
+impl Peer {
+ /// Creates a new peer
+ pub fn new(
+ peer_pool: WeakPeerPool,
+ id: &PeerID,
+ io_codec: IOCodec,
+ remote_endpoint: Endpoint,
+ conn_direction: ConnDirection,
+ ) -> ArcPeer {
+ Arc::new(Peer {
+ id: id.clone(),
+ peer_pool,
+ io_codec,
+ protocol_ids: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
+ remote_endpoint,
+ conn_direction,
+ protocol_events: EventSys::new(),
+ task_group: TaskGroup::new(),
+ stop_chan: channel::bounded(1),
+ })
+ }
+ /// Run the peer
+ pub async fn run(self: Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()> {
+ self.start_protocols(ex.clone()).await;
+ self.read_loop().await
+ }
+ /// Send a message to the peer connection using the specified protocol.
+ pub async fn send<T: CodecMsg>(&self, protocol_id: &ProtocolID, msg: &T) -> Result<()> {
+ let payload = encode(msg)?;
+ let proto_msg = ProtocolMsg {
+ protocol_id: protocol_id.to_string(),
+ payload: payload.to_vec(),
+ };
+ self.io_codec.write(NetMsgCmd::Protocol, &proto_msg).await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Broadcast a message to all connected peers using the specified protocol.
+ pub async fn broadcast<T: CodecMsg>(&self, protocol_id: &ProtocolID, msg: &T) {
+ self.peer_pool().broadcast(protocol_id, msg).await;
+ }
+ /// Shuts down the peer
+ pub async fn shutdown(&self) {
+ trace!("peer {} start shutting down", self.id);
+ // Send shutdown event to all protocols
+ for protocol_id in self.protocol_ids.read().await.iter() {
+ self.protocol_events
+ .emit_by_topic(protocol_id, &ProtocolEvent::Shutdown)
+ .await;
+ }
+ // Send a stop signal to the read loop
+ //
+ // No need to handle the error here; a dropped channel and
+ // sending a stop signal have the same effect.
+ let _ = self.stop_chan.0.try_send(Ok(()));
+ // No need to handle the error here
+ let _ = self
+ .io_codec
+ .write(NetMsgCmd::Shutdown, &ShutdownMsg(0))
+ .await;
+ // Force shutting down
+ self.task_group.cancel().await;
+ }
+ /// Check if the connection is Inbound
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_inbound(&self) -> bool {
+ match self.conn_direction {
+ ConnDirection::Inbound => true,
+ ConnDirection::Outbound => false,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the direction of the connection, which can be either `Inbound`
+ /// or `Outbound`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn direction(&self) -> &ConnDirection {
+ &self.conn_direction
+ }
+ /// Returns the remote endpoint for the peer
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn remote_endpoint(&self) -> &Endpoint {
+ &self.remote_endpoint
+ }
+ /// Return the peer's ID
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn id(&self) -> &PeerID {
+ &self.id
+ }
+ /// Returns the `Config` instance.
+ pub fn config(&self) -> Arc<Config> {
+ self.peer_pool().config.clone()
+ }
+ /// Registers a listener for the given Protocol `P`.
+ pub async fn register_listener<P: Protocol>(&self) -> EventListener<ProtocolID, ProtocolEvent> {
+ self.protocol_events.register(&P::id()).await
+ }
+ /// Start a read loop to handle incoming messages from the peer connection.
+ async fn read_loop(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ loop {
+ let fut = select(self.stop_chan.1.recv(), self.io_codec.read()).await;
+ let result = match fut {
+ Either::Left(stop_signal) => {
+ trace!("Peer {} received a stop signal", self.id);
+ return stop_signal?;
+ }
+ Either::Right(result) => result,
+ };
+ let msg = result?;
+ match msg.header.command {
+ NetMsgCmd::Protocol => {
+ let msg: ProtocolMsg = decode(&msg.payload)?.0;
+ if !self.protocol_ids.read().await.contains(&msg.protocol_id) {
+ return Err(Error::UnsupportedProtocol(msg.protocol_id));
+ }
+ let proto_id = &msg.protocol_id;
+ let msg = ProtocolEvent::Message(msg.payload);
+ self.protocol_events.emit_by_topic(proto_id, &msg).await;
+ }
+ NetMsgCmd::Shutdown => {
+ return Err(Error::PeerShutdown);
+ }
+ command => return Err(Error::InvalidMsg(format!("Unexpected msg {:?}", command))),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Start running the protocols for this peer connection.
+ async fn start_protocols(self: &Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) {
+ for (protocol_id, constructor) in self.peer_pool().protocols.read().await.iter() {
+ trace!("peer {} start protocol {protocol_id}", self.id);
+ let protocol = constructor(self.clone());
+ self.protocol_ids.write().await.push(protocol_id.clone());
+ let selfc = self.clone();
+ let exc = ex.clone();
+ let proto_idc = protocol_id.clone();
+ let on_failure = |result: TaskResult<Result<()>>| async move {
+ if let TaskResult::Completed(res) = result {
+ if res.is_err() {
+ error!("protocol {} stopped", proto_idc);
+ }
+ // Send a stop signal to read loop
+ let _ = selfc.stop_chan.0.try_send(res);
+ }
+ };
+ self.task_group
+ .spawn(ex.clone(), protocol.start(exc), on_failure);
+ }
+ }
+ fn peer_pool(&self) -> ArcPeerPool {
+ self.peer_pool.upgrade().unwrap()
+ }