path: root/vms.sh
diff options
authorhozan23 <hozan23@karyontech.net>2024-07-08 03:45:28 +0200
committerhozan23 <hozan23@karyontech.net>2024-07-08 03:45:28 +0200
commitdd9d75184dcc6e01cd29ac51ecca24b10e2535d0 (patch)
tree423c88b42a283c0b5d50d217b26f965446d14a63 /vms.sh
init commit
Diffstat (limited to 'vms.sh')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vms.sh b/vms.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..10568dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vms.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+set -e
+vms_path=$(realpath ~/vms)
+# Default vm configuration
+# Declare an associative array
+declare -A config
+ [graphic]="yes"
+ [audio]="no"
+ [boot]="menu=on"
+ [ram]="12G"
+ [cpu]="host"
+ [display]="sdl,grab-mod=rctrl"
+ [ports]="10022:22 8080:80"
+ [audiodevices]="intel-hda hda-duplex"
+ [vgadevices]="VGA,vgamem_mb=64"
+ [devices]=""
+ [bios_path]="/usr/share/qemu/bios.bin"
+ [net]="nic"
+# Load config from a file
+load_config() {
+ local file="$1" value
+ while read -r value; do
+ # Check if the line contains an equals sign
+ if [[ $value = *?=* ]]; then
+ # skip if it's a comment
+ if [[ "$value" == \#* ]]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ local key=${value%%=*}
+ config[$key]=${value#*=}
+ fi
+ done <"$file"
+# Save config to a file
+save_config() {
+ local file="$1" key
+ printf "### Default vm configuration\n" >"$file"
+ for key in "${!config[@]}"; do
+ printf "# %s=%s\n" "$key" "${config[$key]}" >>"$file"
+ done
+# Print the current config
+print_config() {
+ local key
+ for key in "${!config[@]}"; do
+ printf "# %s=%s\n" "$key" "${config[$key]}"
+ done
+# Print error message to stderr
+printerr() { printf "%s\n" "$*" >&2; }
+# Check if a file exists
+file_exists() {
+ if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
+ printerr "error: file $1 not exist"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Check if the number of parameters is correct
+check_params() {
+ if [ "$1" -lt "$2" ]; then
+ printerr "error: wrong parameters"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Print help information
+usage() {
+ printf "vms:
+ vms path: %s
+ commands:
+ $ vms run IMAGE_NAME
+ $ vms run arch
+ $ vms boot IMAGE_NAME ISO_PATH
+ $ vms boot arch /path/to/arch.iso
+ $ vms create arch 50g
+ $ vms list\n" "$vms_path"
+ exit 1
+# Run QEMU
+run_qemu() {
+ load_config "$1"
+ # Define the QEMU arguments
+ local qemu_args=(
+ --enable-kvm
+ -bios "${config[bios_path]}"
+ -boot "${config[boot]}"
+ -m "${config[ram]}"
+ -cpu "${config[cpu]}"
+ )
+ if [ -n "${config[net]}" ]; then
+ qemu_args+=(-net "${config[net]}")
+ local qemu_net_arg="user" ports
+ for ports in ${config[ports]}; do
+ IFS=':' read -ra p <<<"$ports"
+ if [ ${#p[@]} != 2 ]; then
+ printerr "error: wrong port: ${p[*]}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ qemu_net_arg+=",hostfwd=tcp::${p[0]}-:${p[1]}"
+ done
+ qemu_args+=(-net "$qemu_net_arg")
+ fi
+ local device
+ if [[ "${config[graphic]}" == "yes" ]]; then
+ qemu_args+=(-display "${config[display]}")
+ for device in ${config[vgadevices]}; do
+ qemu_args+=(-device "${device}")
+ done
+ if [[ "${config[audio]}" == "yes" ]]; then
+ for device in ${config[audiodevices]}; do
+ qemu_args+=(-device "${device}")
+ done
+ fi
+ else
+ qemu_args+=(-nographic)
+ fi
+ for device in ${config[devices]}; do
+ qemu_args+=(-device "${device}")
+ done
+ qemu-system-x86_64 "${qemu_args[@]}" "${@:2}"
+# Create a new vm
+create_new_vm() {
+ qemu-img create "$vms_path/$1.img" "$2"
+# Create the vms directory if it doesn't exists
+if [ ! -d "$vms_path" ]; then
+ printf "Creating vms directory in %s\n" "$vms_path"
+ mkdir -p "$vms_path"
+# Print usage information if no arguments are provided
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ usage
+# Ensure required commands are available
+for cmd in qemu-img qemu-system-x86_64; do
+ if ! command -v "$cmd" &>/dev/null; then
+ printerr "error: $cmd is not installed"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+case "$1" in
+ check_params $# 2
+ img_path="$vms_path/$2.img"
+ conf_path="$vms_path/$2.conf"
+ file_exists "$img_path"
+ file_exists "$conf_path"
+ img_args=(
+ -drive "file=$img_path,format=raw"
+ )
+ run_qemu "$conf_path" "${img_args[@]}"
+ ;;
+ check_params $# 3
+ img_path="$vms_path/$2.img"
+ conf_path="$vms_path/$2.conf"
+ iso_path=$(realpath "$3")
+ file_exists "$img_path"
+ file_exists "$iso_path"
+ file_exists "$conf_path"
+ img_args=(
+ -drive "file=$img_path,format=raw"
+ -cdrom "$iso_path"
+ )
+ run_qemu "$conf_path" "${img_args[@]}"
+ ;;
+ check_params $# 3
+ iso_path="$vms_path/$2.iso"
+ create_new_vm "$2" "$3"
+ save_config "$vms_path/$2.conf"
+ printf "Created %s Successfully!\n" "$2"
+ ;;
+ for img in "$vms_path"/*.img; do
+ printf " - %s\n" "$(basename "$img" .img)"
+ done
+ ;;
+ usage
+ ;;
+ printerr "error: command $1 not found"
+ usage
+ ;;