path: root/karyons_p2p/src/peer_pool.rs
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authorhozan23 <hozan23@proton.me>2023-11-09 11:38:19 +0300
committerhozan23 <hozan23@proton.me>2023-11-09 11:38:19 +0300
commit849d827486c75b2ab223d7b0e638dbb5b74d4d1d (patch)
tree41cd3babc37147ec4a40cab8ce8ae31c91cce33b /karyons_p2p/src/peer_pool.rs
parentde1354525895ffbad18f90a5246fd65157f7449e (diff)
rename crates
Diffstat (limited to 'karyons_p2p/src/peer_pool.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/karyons_p2p/src/peer_pool.rs b/karyons_p2p/src/peer_pool.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index eac4d3d..0000000
--- a/karyons_p2p/src/peer_pool.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-use std::{
- collections::HashMap,
- sync::{Arc, Weak},
- time::Duration,
-use log::{error, info, trace, warn};
-use smol::{
- channel::Sender,
- lock::{Mutex, RwLock},
-use karyons_core::{
- async_utils::{TaskGroup, TaskResult},
- utils::decode,
- Executor,
-use karyons_net::Conn;
-use crate::{
- config::Config,
- io_codec::{CodecMsg, IOCodec},
- message::{get_msg_payload, NetMsg, NetMsgCmd, VerAckMsg, VerMsg},
- monitor::{Monitor, PeerPoolEvent},
- net::ConnDirection,
- net::ConnQueue,
- peer::{ArcPeer, Peer, PeerID},
- protocol::{Protocol, ProtocolConstructor, ProtocolID},
- protocols::PingProtocol,
- utils::{version_match, Version, VersionInt},
- Error, Result,
-pub type ArcPeerPool = Arc<PeerPool>;
-pub type WeakPeerPool = Weak<PeerPool>;
-pub struct PeerPool {
- /// Peer's ID
- pub id: PeerID,
- /// Connection queue
- conn_queue: Arc<ConnQueue>,
- /// Holds the running peers.
- peers: Mutex<HashMap<PeerID, ArcPeer>>,
- /// Hashmap contains protocol constructors.
- pub(crate) protocols: RwLock<HashMap<ProtocolID, Box<ProtocolConstructor>>>,
- /// Hashmap contains protocol IDs and their versions.
- protocol_versions: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<ProtocolID, Version>>>,
- /// Managing spawned tasks.
- task_group: TaskGroup,
- /// The Configuration for the P2P network.
- pub config: Arc<Config>,
- /// Responsible for network and system monitoring.
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
-impl PeerPool {
- /// Creates a new PeerPool
- pub fn new(
- id: &PeerID,
- conn_queue: Arc<ConnQueue>,
- config: Arc<Config>,
- monitor: Arc<Monitor>,
- ) -> Arc<Self> {
- let protocols = RwLock::new(HashMap::new());
- let protocol_versions = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new()));
- Arc::new(Self {
- id: id.clone(),
- conn_queue,
- peers: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
- protocols,
- protocol_versions,
- task_group: TaskGroup::new(),
- monitor,
- config,
- })
- }
- /// Start
- pub async fn start(self: &Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) -> Result<()> {
- self.setup_protocols().await?;
- let selfc = self.clone();
- self.task_group
- .spawn(ex.clone(), selfc.listen_loop(ex.clone()), |_| async {});
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Listens to a new connection from the connection queue
- pub async fn listen_loop(self: Arc<Self>, ex: Executor<'_>) {
- loop {
- let new_conn = self.conn_queue.next().await;
- let disconnect_signal = new_conn.disconnect_signal;
- let result = self
- .new_peer(
- new_conn.conn,
- &new_conn.direction,
- disconnect_signal.clone(),
- ex.clone(),
- )
- .await;
- if result.is_err() {
- let _ = disconnect_signal.send(()).await;
- }
- }
- }
- /// Shuts down
- pub async fn shutdown(&self) {
- for (_, peer) in self.peers.lock().await.iter() {
- peer.shutdown().await;
- }
- self.task_group.cancel().await;
- }
- /// Attach a custom protocol to the network
- pub async fn attach_protocol<P: Protocol>(&self, c: Box<ProtocolConstructor>) -> Result<()> {
- let protocol_versions = &mut self.protocol_versions.write().await;
- let protocols = &mut self.protocols.write().await;
- protocol_versions.insert(P::id(), P::version()?);
- protocols.insert(P::id(), Box::new(c) as Box<ProtocolConstructor>);
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Returns the number of currently connected peers.
- pub async fn peers_len(&self) -> usize {
- self.peers.lock().await.len()
- }
- /// Broadcast a message to all connected peers using the specified protocol.
- pub async fn broadcast<T: CodecMsg>(&self, proto_id: &ProtocolID, msg: &T) {
- for (pid, peer) in self.peers.lock().await.iter() {
- if let Err(err) = peer.send(proto_id, msg).await {
- error!("failed to send msg to {pid}: {err}");
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- /// Add a new peer to the peer list.
- pub async fn new_peer(
- self: &Arc<Self>,
- conn: Conn,
- conn_direction: &ConnDirection,
- disconnect_signal: Sender<()>,
- ex: Executor<'_>,
- ) -> Result<PeerID> {
- let endpoint = conn.peer_endpoint()?;
- let io_codec = IOCodec::new(conn);
- // Do a handshake with a connection before creating a new peer.
- let pid = self.do_handshake(&io_codec, conn_direction).await?;
- // TODO: Consider restricting the subnet for inbound connections
- if self.contains_peer(&pid).await {
- return Err(Error::PeerAlreadyConnected);
- }
- // Create a new peer
- let peer = Peer::new(
- Arc::downgrade(self),
- &pid,
- io_codec,
- endpoint.clone(),
- conn_direction.clone(),
- );
- // Insert the new peer
- self.peers.lock().await.insert(pid.clone(), peer.clone());
- let selfc = self.clone();
- let pid_c = pid.clone();
- let on_disconnect = |result| async move {
- if let TaskResult::Completed(_) = result {
- if let Err(err) = selfc.remove_peer(&pid_c).await {
- error!("Failed to remove peer {pid_c}: {err}");
- }
- let _ = disconnect_signal.send(()).await;
- }
- };
- self.task_group
- .spawn(ex.clone(), peer.run(ex.clone()), on_disconnect);
- info!("Add new peer {pid}, direction: {conn_direction}, endpoint: {endpoint}");
- self.monitor
- .notify(&PeerPoolEvent::NewPeer(pid.clone()).into())
- .await;
- Ok(pid)
- }
- /// Checks if the peer list contains a peer with the given peer id
- pub async fn contains_peer(&self, pid: &PeerID) -> bool {
- self.peers.lock().await.contains_key(pid)
- }
- /// Shuts down the peer and remove it from the peer list.
- async fn remove_peer(&self, pid: &PeerID) -> Result<()> {
- let mut peers = self.peers.lock().await;
- let result = peers.remove(pid);
- drop(peers);
- let peer = match result {
- Some(p) => p,
- None => return Ok(()),
- };
- peer.shutdown().await;
- self.monitor
- .notify(&PeerPoolEvent::RemovePeer(pid.clone()).into())
- .await;
- let endpoint = peer.remote_endpoint();
- let direction = peer.direction();
- warn!("Peer {pid} removed, direction: {direction}, endpoint: {endpoint}",);
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Attach the core protocols.
- async fn setup_protocols(&self) -> Result<()> {
- self.attach_protocol::<PingProtocol>(Box::new(PingProtocol::new))
- .await
- }
- /// Initiate a handshake with a connection.
- async fn do_handshake(
- &self,
- io_codec: &IOCodec,
- conn_direction: &ConnDirection,
- ) -> Result<PeerID> {
- match conn_direction {
- ConnDirection::Inbound => {
- let pid = self.wait_vermsg(io_codec).await?;
- self.send_verack(io_codec).await?;
- Ok(pid)
- }
- ConnDirection::Outbound => {
- self.send_vermsg(io_codec).await?;
- self.wait_verack(io_codec).await
- }
- }
- }
- /// Send a Version message
- async fn send_vermsg(&self, io_codec: &IOCodec) -> Result<()> {
- let pids = self.protocol_versions.read().await;
- let protocols = pids.iter().map(|p| (p.0.clone(), p.1.v.clone())).collect();
- drop(pids);
- let vermsg = VerMsg {
- peer_id: self.id.clone(),
- protocols,
- version: self.config.version.v.clone(),
- };
- trace!("Send VerMsg");
- io_codec.write(NetMsgCmd::Version, &vermsg).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Wait for a Version message
- ///
- /// Returns the peer's ID upon successfully receiving the Version message.
- async fn wait_vermsg(&self, io_codec: &IOCodec) -> Result<PeerID> {
- let timeout = Duration::from_secs(self.config.handshake_timeout);
- let msg: NetMsg = io_codec.read_timeout(timeout).await?;
- let payload = get_msg_payload!(Version, msg);
- let (vermsg, _) = decode::<VerMsg>(&payload)?;
- if !version_match(&self.config.version.req, &vermsg.version) {
- return Err(Error::IncompatibleVersion("system: {}".into()));
- }
- self.protocols_match(&vermsg.protocols).await?;
- trace!("Received VerMsg from: {}", vermsg.peer_id);
- Ok(vermsg.peer_id)
- }
- /// Send a Verack message
- async fn send_verack(&self, io_codec: &IOCodec) -> Result<()> {
- let verack = VerAckMsg(self.id.clone());
- trace!("Send VerAckMsg");
- io_codec.write(NetMsgCmd::Verack, &verack).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Wait for a Verack message
- ///
- /// Returns the peer's ID upon successfully receiving the Verack message.
- async fn wait_verack(&self, io_codec: &IOCodec) -> Result<PeerID> {
- let timeout = Duration::from_secs(self.config.handshake_timeout);
- let msg: NetMsg = io_codec.read_timeout(timeout).await?;
- let payload = get_msg_payload!(Verack, msg);
- let (verack, _) = decode::<VerAckMsg>(&payload)?;
- trace!("Received VerAckMsg from: {}", verack.0);
- Ok(verack.0)
- }
- /// Check if the new connection has compatible protocols.
- async fn protocols_match(&self, protocols: &HashMap<ProtocolID, VersionInt>) -> Result<()> {
- for (n, pv) in protocols.iter() {
- let pids = self.protocol_versions.read().await;
- match pids.get(n) {
- Some(v) => {
- if !version_match(&v.req, pv) {
- return Err(Error::IncompatibleVersion(format!("{n} protocol: {pv}")));
- }
- }
- None => {
- return Err(Error::UnsupportedProtocol(n.to_string()));
- }
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }